The Morning.

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Maudie's reaction wasn't at all a surprise! Even before we told her about the kiss, she stood up and hugged us both and yelled "Finally! My two favourite people are together!" We all laughed and enjoyed the rest of the morning together before Atticus had to leave for work. He reached into his pocket to retrieve his pocket watch and began to stand up.
"This was wonderful chatting with you ladies this fine morning, but I'm afraid I must be off to say my goodbye's to the children before work."
I quickly grabbed his arm after he walked a few steps to leave the house, he stopped and gave a side smile while he reached for me with his other arm to pull me in for a kiss. It was so light yet passionate enough to make me faint. When we, regrettably, pulled apart he whispered "I'll see you at lunch Y/N." I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear. I then nodded "See you then darling" He took another step then quickly stopped, "Oh! I almost forgot, Jem wanted to tell you that you can walk with him and Scout for your first day if you'd like." "I would love to! Tell him I'll be there just after I've had breakfast." I saw that he had the biggest grin on his face which made my face warm.
As he left the house, Maudie made her way over to me, "Y/N! I can't believe this!" I couldn't keep my eyes off of Atticus as he crossed the street to his place. "Me neither Maudie. Me neither." was all I could say.

A few days passed and it was finally the day I've have been partially waiting for, mostly dreading due to the nerves, the first day of school. I was packing the remainder of my school supplies when Maudie stood at my door while she was straightening her floral dress. "You ready to go Y/N?" I put my brown leather school bag on arm then took Maudie's on the other "Ready as I'll ever be!"
"What a fine dress!" I glanced downward to admire it too, it was one of my favourites. Navy blue and white polka dots with a lace collar. I pinned my y/c hair into a small bun. "Why thank you!"

We did a little small talk as we reached Atticus' house. Maudie opened the door first "Mornin!" I could see that we were interrupting breakfast, but Atticus didn't seem to mind. He stood up and finished chewing, "Morning Maudie." He started placing out chairs for us to sit on and saw me standing in the door frame. He stopped mid straightening his back then slowly looked at me. "Good morning Y/N" I smiled wide "Morning Atticus" He put his hand on my waist and sneaked a kiss on my cheek. In almost a whisper he muttered "You look wonderful." I turned my head and sneaked my own kiss but on his precious nose.
"Scout?" I heard Calpurnia call but she didn't answer. She called again while placing a teacup in front of Maudie, and again no answer. Atticus pulled out my chair for me to sit down then he sat right beside me. "What are you going to do with yourself this morning Calpurnia with both children at school?" Cal grabbed the tea kettle and a teacup for me. "I don't know." She poured us tea, "and that's the truth. I was just thinking about that just now." As she walked away, she called for Scout again. Then decided to go to the girl's room. "Did you hear me Scout? Now hurry!" As she walked away she looked at me and Atticus while trying to muffle a laugh. I glanced at Atticus, as he was taking a sip of his tea he winked at me. Very hesitantly behind Cal came out Scout with a lovely dress on. She was almost in the kitchen when Jem mockingly shouted "Hey 'body look at Scout!" Maudie hit his arm to hush him up. Me and Atticus could help but smile. All eyes were on her.
"Come on in here Scout." Atticus pointed his head toward her spot at the table, "Have your breakfast." It worked like a charm, Scout sheepishly came back and quickly ran to her seat and began to tug at her dress. The three adults in the room took glances at each other to see who would speak first. Maudie pipped in saying "I think your dress is mighty becomin' honey." I leaned forward adding "You sure do! Why you might be the best dressed in the class!"
"Now don't go tuggin at that dress Scout" Cal stated as she walked up to move her arms away from the temptation to proceed. "Wanna have it all wrinkled before you even get to school?"
"I still don't see why I have to wear a darn ol dress!" Scout protested as she slowly began eating her breakfast. I muffled my laughter into my teacup, Atticus noticed and nudged my knee, I could see that he was trying to as well. "You'll get used to it" Maudie remarked as she sipped her tea.
Before the first bite hit her mouth, Jem bolted to the door yelling "I'm ready!" The door slammed. "Jem" Atticus called after and he pulled out his pocket watch. "Jem! It's a half an hour before school starts. You sit right down and wait for your sister." He pointed down at his empty seat. Atticus then rested his arm behind my chair while he lightly rubbed my shoulder. I couldn't breathe for a moment due to the fact that he was touching me so gently - it sent shivers down my spine.
"Well hurry up Scout!" Jem pushed. "I'm tryin to!" Scout pushed back before she took a sip of her glass of milk. I didn't really hear what was going on with the both of them due to Atticus and me looking at each other, and making me blush like a fool. "Did you sleep well?" He whispered. I nodded and asked him the same. "Oh not too bad." He leaned toward me "Are you nervous?" I slowly set my teacup down and turned to him, "Out of my mind!" He rubbed my back and winked at me "You'll be wonderful, I just wish that I could be there to see you on your first day."
I quickly came back to the reality that other people were in the room by Scout slamming her fork on her plate. "Well I'm ready." With that Jem and Scout raced to grab their things. Jem was already out of sight and so I began to grab my bag. Scout quickly gave Atticus a kiss on the cheek "bye!" and chased after Jem. I stood up as well as everyone else. Atticus opened the door to remind the children to wait for me. I hugged Maudie and thanked Cal for tea. Atticus was waiting for me at the door with his arms awaiting to retrieve me. We hugged for a brief moment then he kissed me softly. "Just breathe." I took a breath and gave a pathetic smile. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and lightly pushed me out the door. Jem and Scout were talking to each other on the sidewalk. I almost caught up with them when Atticus mentioned our evening plans, "We'll talk over dinner about your adventure!" "Alright! See you then! Wish me luck!"
Then we were off.

**Again sorry for the long wait! I can only write when I have a spare moment in between school. I'm trying to be better!!**

UPDATE: I promise the new chapter is coming! I've been distracted and I'm not used to being a writer! Ideas keep running away from me! 

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