The Idea

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The next morning, me and Maudie got dressed at headed over to Atticus' for breakfast, our new routine! Jem starting telling me stories about the trees and many other things he discovered about nature from school, but Scout didn't even acknowledge that I was even there. I would look over at Atticus every now and then to tell him silently that I was worried. He started a conversation with her but she wouldn't even look at his face. She just kept staring at her food. 
I opened my left hand on the table for some courage and Atticus obliged. He squeezed my hand for reassurance. All of a sudden an idea popped into my head. I quickly looked at Atticus and turned to everyone else at the table. 

"I have an idea! Why don't we have a picnic tomorrow after school? Is there a lake or creek somewhere that we could go to?" 
Jem and Scout perked up. 
"Why that sounds like a wonderful idea! How about Natchez Lake?" Atticus responded. 
Scout finally said her first words to me. 
"Can we go fishin too? Oh please?!" 
"Of course!" 
Scout and Jem already started planning on what they would do. Then Jem stopped and asked if their friend Dill could join us. 
"I don't see why not" Atticus jumped in with a side grin. He let go of my hand and put his arm around me. "Great idea" he whispered in my ear before kissing my temple. I let out a sigh of relief and sunk into his shoulder for a moment then realized the time. 
"We have to get going you two! We can plan on the way to school!" 

Scout and Jem did not stop planning even when we arrived at the school. 
"I'm so happy you liked my idea! I'm glad you brought the idea of fishing Scout, I haven't been fishing since I was a little girl" 
Scout turned around quick. "Really?!" I nodded. "Well I can help you if you'd like" 
I reached for her hand and she smiled. "I would love that." 

Before I knew it, school ended and Scout went on and on about the picnic. Why, we couldn't get her to hush up about it! 

"Scout! Why don't you take a moment to breathe and eat your dinner before it turns cold!" Atticus said as he finished putting some spaghetti and white sauce on my plate and handed it to me. Me and Jem looked at each other from across the table and we both snickered. It pleased me to see that I was beginning to have a connection to Atticus' kids, well more so Jem at the moment. Come to think of it, Scout too. We are now better terms than the previous night. 

"Make sure you tell Cal what kind of sandwiches you'd like for the picnic, alright?" Atticus told all of us. We all nodded and enjoyed the rest of our meal together. 
"Oh that reminded me!" I turned to try and face Cal as she walked behind me to pour me more tea. "Don't worry about any of the side dishes for tomorrow" She nodded and made her way over to Atticus. 
I turned my head toward Scout. "Scout would you like to help me make something tomorrow to help with our picnic?" She perked up from her chair. "Really?"
"Of course! I need some extra hands and a good set of eyes" Atticus looked at me wondering what I had rolled up my sleeves but I simply shrugged my shoulders and grinned from ear to ear. 

"What?!" Scout shouted the next day. 
I laughed and grabbed her shoulders from behind and lead her to the field. "You heard me. A dandelion salad. At first you might think I'm crazy but once you eat it, you'll think otherwise!" 
Her face was all scrunched up with her tongue out. "I don't wanna know!" 
"C'mon Scout it was my favourite food as a little girl! Come to think of it when I was about your age!" I could see on her face that she needed more convincing so I continued on. 
"Besides, I thought I'd add a little treat to it" I bent over to try and hide my surprise. Then reached into my bag and saw her attention grow with anticipation. I pulled out a large grapefruit. Her eyes widened and she straighten her back. 
"how many lions you needin?" She shoved her pile of school books in my hands. 
"Haha! Thought that would grab your attention!" I put it back into my bag and glanced at the field over beside the schoolhouse. "As many as you can grab." 
Before I could finish, Scout was already grabbing as many dandelions as she could. 
"Meet you back at the house. Don't take too long now you hear?" I called back to her as I started my way back. 
"Yes ma'am" She called with her back still towards me and focused on her mission. 
Jem saw me walking away and noticed Scout not following us. "Why's Scout not comin? What she doin with all them lions?" 
I smiled and glanced back, "You'll see."
Dill ran up to us and asked as well why Scout wasn't coming.
"C'mon Scout! I wanna see this lake!"
"Leave her be Mr. Harris. C'mon you boys and let's head to the house. I bet Atticus will be waiting for us by now. He told me he'd finish early because of our picnic." 

I was right of course. As Dill, Jem and I turned the corner we saw Atticus coming out of his car to start loading everything in. "Boys! Help me grab the basket from Cal in the kitchen!" "Yes sir!" Jem and Dill called back ran into the house to help. 
Atticus gave me a kiss and noticed Scout not with us along with her things in my hands.
"She's coming. Nothing to worry about." 
"What is she doing?" I pushed him aside with my left hand and patted his chest.
"You Finch men need to have a lesson on a little thing called Patience!" I turned around and walked into the house. Atticus' eyebrows shot up and an unexpected smirk on his face. "Alright Ms. Y/L. Whatever you say ma'am." I giggled and made my way over to the kitchen. 

As I grabbed everything I needed to prepare in the kitchen, I all of a sudden heard a distant "Ms. Y/L!! I got the lions you asked for!!" and then a burst through the door. Out of breath, Scout repeated again in a whisper. I laughed and had her come in. I saw the bouquet she had awaiting in her hands. "Why Scout! These will do wonderfully!" I showed her the space on the counter where I wanted her to set them. Before we could even begin, Dill came waltzing in asking a million questions.
"Why is there so many dandelions in here?" "What are you two doing?" "Can I join?" 
I said in-between questions "Out Mr. Harris!" "It's a woman secret." 
"Secret? My daddy once told me that-" 
"Ugh! Atticus!" He opened the door. "Get Mr. Harris out of here so we can work please!" 
Atticus walked in and called for Dill and told him that Jem needed some help with grabbing the fishing poles from the garage. For what seemed like an eternity, Dill finally left with Atticus. 
Then we began working. I had Cal grab the stool from the washroom put in the kitchen so Scout could see properly of what we were doing. We made a great team with making the salad together. I made sure to tell Cal to keep the 'boys' outside and continue getting ready while we were working. Between telling her instructions and working myself, I told Scout stories of me making the salad with my mother and other stories as a little girl. She paid close attention as she helped me. 

Some time later, Atticus stood at the doorway and told us that the car was ready and that he'd be in it with Jem and Dill whenever we were ready. Scout hollered back saying that we were just finishing up. As I grabbed the bowl of our creation, Scout reminded me. "The treat!! We forgot about the treat!" I stopped immediately and said "Oh! You're right! Why don't you grab it from my bag. It's on the couch in the front room. Make sure no one sees it though! It's a surprise!" Scout winked and nodded her head as she ran to the front room and back. She then pulled out the 'treat' from her dress and pleaded Cal if she could wear her overalls for the picnic. 
"You go and get the overalls on while I cut this up." I said to allow Cal to follow her plead. Before she left the room, Scout noticed a different bowl sitting on the counter. "What's that?" 
I put my hand on top and without looking at her I said, "Never you mind. Go get changed. You'll see soon enough." 

A minute later, we both walked out with the salad in her hands, while the mysterious bowl was in mine. Jem and Atticus' eyes followed us as we made our way to the back of the car to hide the bowls in the basket. Dill got out of the car and joined us at the back.
"What's that?" He stared at the mysterious bowls.
Scout tilted her head toward the sky and walked around to the car door, refusing to say a word. Dill asked again. "C'mon Dill! I wanna to see this lake!" Scout imitated as she climbed in. Dill stuck his tongue out at her. 
"Get in Dill, we're leaving." Atticus told him. He obeyed and I saw Atticus's arm around my seat patiently waiting for me to get in. I opened the car door. 
"Well well well." Atticus said sounding playfully impatient. I stood outside with a hand on my hip and eyebrow arched. "Look who decided to join us?" I climbed into the car and shoved his arm. "If you want the best quality for your family Mr. Finch, you need to put the proper amount of time into it!" Atticus chuckled while he started the car. 

Dill and Jem were talking back and forth while Scout tried to join in on their conversations but eventually gave up and would sing some songs or ask me and Atticus a question or two. In between the singing and talking, Atticus and I would talk quietly to each other, asking how each of our days were and other little things. Every time a neighbor would pass by the car, Atticus would bow his head to them or simply smile. Occasionally he would wave out the window. I tried to bring the Robinson case up with Atticus but he would somehow change the topic or start humming the song Scout was singing. I let it pass while we were altogether and would wait to find a moment alone with him. Something must be wrong or else he would have told me by now. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2021 ⏰

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