Maycomb - My New Home

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"Mornin ma'am" an older gentleman tipped his hat at me as he pulled up his wagon. 

"Morning" I smiled back. "Let me help you miss." "Oh no I can manage-" I implored, but the nice man insisted on helping me load my suitcases onto his wagon.  As far as I could tell, this town of Maycomb was very welcoming but I'll have to wait and see if the children were when school starts in a couple of weeks.  

"What brings you to Maycomb?" " My dearest friend Maudie lives here. She told me that y'all were in need of a new school teacher."   "Yes ma'am we do. Miss Maudie is the nicest lady in town. We are mighty thankful for you coming to our town and helpin our young-ins." 

I reached for his hand, "You are very welcome, it's the least I can do." He turned his head "My apologies ma'am, name's Walter Cunningham." "It's a pleasure Mr. Cunningham, my name is Y/N" "Pleased to meet you" 

We talked the rest of the ride about Maycomb and our upbringing. Mr. Cunningham told me he has a son, who'll I'll have the privilege of teaching. 

"Here we are ma'am, I'll help you unload but I do have some business over yonder if you don't mind some" "Not at all! I'm grateful to you helping me" We stopped in front of a house with a modest porch in the front. A little girl was playing on a tied rope. Mr. Cunningham hopped off of the wagon and walked to the back of it and reached for a big sack full, of what I had no clue. It was almost like his appearance changed once he had that sack in his hand. Seemed the weight of the world was inside. He was almost at the house when the little girl hopped off and yelled in her southern accent "Mornin' Mr. Cunningham!" He turned to her "Oh mornin Miss" He took a couple more steps before the girl interrupted saying "My Daddy's getting dressed would you like me to call him for you?" "Why no miss I don't care to bother." How sweet. The girl ran toward him "Why its no bother Mr. Cunningham! He'll be happy to see you!" Before poor Mr.Cunningham could insist again, the girl was already calling her Pa.

 I laughed to myself, she must've been school age appropriate, I can't wait to meet her. It was strange to hear her use her Pa's his first name, Atticus. But what a fine name. The girl moved back to allow her 'Atticus' out the door. What I didn't expect to see was a tall drink of water. I tried to compose myself for I'd never seen such a man in my life, not even at home! He seemed very tall and he had the most comfortable presence I've ever seen. 

"Ah good morning Walter" He smiled at him. They started to talk a little quieter but I couldn't understand what was going on. Mr. Cunningham handed over the sack and Atticus took them gladly. Without realizing what I was doing, Atticus noticed me sitting on the wagon. He pointed his head toward me and I quickly looked away. As I slowly turned round again, I could see Mr. Cunningham pointing backwards. Atticus smiled and they said there goodbye's to each other.  As he was making his way back, Atticus looked at me again and smiled while he nodded his head "Good morning." What a gentleman he didn't yell at me or anything, how respectful. 

Mr. Cunningham made his way back to me and once again, it seemed like his personality changed. Before he even reached the wagon, I heard from behind me, a screen door open and close rather abruptly. I turned to see what the commotion was about but saw my dear friend Maudie running towards me. 

"Y/N!! Oh I'm so happy your finally here!" I hopped down minding my skirt as I descended. "Maudie darling! It's so good to see you!" We embraced and rocking back and forth while giggling like little girls again. Mr. Cunningham must've been at the wagon long because he already took the liberty on grabbing my bags and was standing there waiting to be told where they should be left. "Oh thank you Mr. Cunning-" "Please Miss" He interrupted. "You can call me Walter, I reckon I should be another friend here." "That's very thoughtful of you" I smiled "Thank you Walter." As he made his way across the road Maudie shouted "And I thank you for bringing this fine woman to me! It was mighty sweet of you to offer to pick her up for me! Here I'll grab the rest" He nodded his head but then said "Oh there's no need ma'am." "Non sense! I'll show you where you should put them." 

Their conversation was then drowned out by Atticus yelling for someone named Jem. It was at that moment that it occurred to me that me and Maudie weren't the only one's outside, the little girl and Atticus were in their yard talking upwards to a treehouse. 

Walter wasn't in the house very long because as soon as he was in, he was right back out again. "Goodbye Ma'am" "Goodbye thanks again." He nodded and was off in his wagon quite fast. 

"Son why don't you come on down outta there now and have your breakfast." I heard Atticus yell.  "Calpurnia has a good one, hot biscuits!" 

A young boy's voice came out from the tree house, "No sir. Not until you agree to play football for the Methodists." Atticus put his head down but as he made his way up again he noticed me now standing at the sidewalk not realizing that I should make my way over to Maudie's yet. His gaze didn't leave till he remembered to respond to the boy whom I believed was his son. "Oh son I can't do that. I explained to you I'm too old to get out there. After all, I'm the only Father you have. Wouldn't want me to get out there and get my head knocked off would ya?" He looked at me and rolled his eyes while smiling. I laughed to myself and heard Jem say "I ain't comin down." Atticus smiled at me once again and turned back to the paper in his hands and walked away while saying "Suite yourself." 

"Mornin'" Maudie came out again and checked on her flowers while I made my way over to her. The little girl ran up to the sidewalk and replied "Mornin Miss Maudie!" "What's going on over there?" The girl started climbing the post while saying "I'm having a terrible time Miss Maudie. Jem's staying up in the tree until Atticus agrees to play football for the Methodists.  And Atticus says he's too old." Maudie looked over at me and we were about to start laughing till Jem added "Everytime we wants to do something he's too old." Atticus right on cue walked out his front door now wearing a hat and holding a briefcase. "He's too old for everything!" Jem finished. 

Maudie must've noticed that my eyes were stuck on Atticus the moment he came out again by her saying "He can do plenty of things." Atticus interputed saying his goodbyes to his kids. He tipped his hat and the both of us and said "Morning Maudie. Ma'am." "Morning Atticus" "Morning" I replied back. I could have sworn that when I told him morning he smiled just a bit more. But I might've been seeing things. 

The conversation between Maudie and Atticus' kids was still happening when I decided to listen in again. Maudie turned back to me for a moment and said "He could make somebody's will so air tight you can't break it. You count your blessings and stop complainin' both of you. Thank your stars he has a sense to act his age!" I laughed. 

So he's a lawyer I thought to myself. 

Maudie shook her head, "Those children don't know what good is even if it hit them in the face." She stood up and put her arm around me. "Why don't you go on inside while I finish up waterin" "Alright." I started towards the house but stopped as I opened the door. I couldn't help but watch the final moments of Atticus walking down the sidewalk before he reached the corner. Maudie noticed me not moving and saw what I was staring at. "Y/N?" Maudie startled me. "Yes. I'm fine I-I'll just be inside." "You go on and do that." She had a sneaky smile on her face. I knew I was caught. There was no backing away now. The door closed and I swore I heard Maudie laughing at me as I made my way in the house. 

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