The Case.

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For a few days now, Atticus would invite me over for breakfast with his children, Maudie would join us too. Afterwards, I would walk alongside him to work. We had lunch together, either I would make him something, Cal would make something for me to pick up or Atticus would take me to a little restaurant in town. There was only one in Maycomb but it was very good.

Atticus would spend his evenings going over work and when Scout and Jem came in after playing they would spend time together, like all families do around here. Me and Maudie would make dinner together and talk about who knows what till who knows when!

"Say you must be starting school soon!" Maudie brought up one night. "Goodness you're right! In about 4 days." "How do you feel?" Maudie asked before taking another bite of her potatoes. "Comfortable...I think. I'm still not sure who I'm teaching yet besides Scout, Jem and the Cunningham boy." "I'm sure you'll be just fine." We smiled at each other. It was comforting for hear her say it, even though I was beginning to feel uneasy.

I completely forgot about my soul purpose of being in Maycomb, teaching! I've been so invested in settling in and meeting a few neighbors and of course my time with Atticus and Maudie.

I was taking out my school things in my room from my bag when I noticed Atticus sitting on his porch swing, probably listening to Scout and Jem chat before falling asleep. From the looks of it, it made Atticus seem distant. I was about to set my things down when I noticed Judge Taylor, Atticus' boss, walking up to his house. They talked for a brief minute not sure what it was about but I thought that I should wait till the Judge was gone before making my way over. I saw the Judge stand up.  I grabbed the shawl Mother gave me before I left and started toward the house.

"Ma'am" Judge Taylor tilted his hat to me.

"Good Evening" I greeted as we passed by each other on the sidewalk.

I looked up at Atticus, shocked that he didn't say anything but I saw that he was lost in thought again. I adjusted my red shawl and stood at the stairs "You alright Atticus?" He blinked and returned to our land. "Y/N I'm sorry. Have a seat, how was your day?" He patted his thighs before standing up to show me my seat. "Fine thank you. How about you? Are you alright?"
He nodded slowly and started to rock the swing. "I was presented with a new case just now." "Oh?" I motioned for him to continue. "It's the Tom Robinson case." His eyes met mine for a spilt second before my gaze hit the floor. "Oh.. I see."

I could feel a change in the air when I said those words and took the liberty to redeem myself. I met Atticus' eyes once more but could see he was sitting taller ready to defend himself or Tom at any moment already.

"I mean that not in the way you are thinking. I was going to-"

"You were going to what?" This was the first time I heard him raise his voice. My eyes grew to show that it terrified me to the core. I knew, however, that I couldn't let him win that easy. He may be the thunder but I am the lightning. "Tell me was it wrong for me to take this kind of case? Because of my children? My reputation?"

"You miss understood me!" I stood right in front of him. "Now if you'd be so kind as to let me finish Atticus Finch, you would be pleased to hear me say that I'm on your side! The quicker you understand that the better for the both of us! I know it will be difficult but you will pull through!"

He slowly stood up, never leaving my gaze. Catching my breath we starred at one another. He seemed relieved but seemed to still have the intensity in his eyes. Ever so slightly he would look down at my lips, and so was I.

"Well then" he broke the silence. "I'm pleased to hear that indeed." Silence. He cleared his throat and continued his thought. "Was there anything else you needed to say Y/N?" He tilted his head slightly. Our quick glances were becoming longer and longer as we stood there.

Why can't I breathe properly?  I felt my whole body shake. It looked as if he was looking in my soul, as if he knew my deepest secrets but was waiting for me to say it.

"N-no there wasn't." My legs couldn't move an inch but I fixed my shawl.

Atticus took half a step toward me. I finally received the use of my legs once again and quickly and stepped back, heading towards the stairs.  "Goodnight Atticus." I looked at the windows of his house "Forgive me if I disturbed the children."

"Don't worry about them Y/N. They'll be fine." He shook his head.

Before I turned to take the stairs I heard him say "Goodnight Miss." I froze for a moment and quickly left. I didn't have to look back to tell that he watched me walk away.

Once I reached the house, I pushed the door closed with my back. I didn't notice before but my entire body was tingling. Could it be because of the way he was looking at me?

I must tell Maudie.

*Sorry it's short! I'm trying to find more time to work on this. (If you have any ideas for future chapters, whether it's lines or problems etc, let me know in the comments!)*

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