15. On no

8 0 0

*It's getting hot in heeeere ;) *


-What do we have here? He commanded for an answer. It was the commander himself standing there staring at you and Gray. You quickly stood up and saluted. 

-N-nothing, Sir. You said trying to sound convincing. Commander Erwin sigh, and looks at you in disapprovement.

-Cadet (N), to my office. Now. 

-Fine, you mumble and follow the man with the huge eyebrows to his office. On the way there, you meet Levi, who stares at you and then the commander. 

-Captain, I need you to join us in my office as well. 


The three of you enter Erwing magnificent office. Your eyes wander around the office, and you don't notice your own hiccups. 

-So, cadet (N), where did you get the alcohol? Erwin starts and motions for you to sit down, walking to the chair you can't walk straight. But you try your best. 

-Why would you think I have alcohol *Hick*. 

-I do believe that's pretty obvious? Erwin chuckles. He glances over at Levis's emotionless expression. 

-How about you help Levi clean the? Erwin motions for Levi to continue. 

-My office. He says blankly. 

-Cadet (N), follow Levi, get the cleaning supplies, and clean his office. That's an order. 

-Alright. I mean yes sir!*hick*  And you salut. You follow Levi to his office and start mopping his floor, which is already clean, wipe his windows which of course was clean already. Holding the bucket of dirty water you get an idea. The mischief is spreading all over your face, and you can see Levi noticing it. But it was too late. You pour the dirty all over the clean floor and make a run for it. You reach the doorknob and was about to open it when two harsh hands force you around and lock the door. His eyes are angry and yours are mockingly staring back into his. 

-Clean that up now. He says and grits his teeth

-Hmm, no

-Clean. Now. He gets angrier and angrier with every second and your drunk mind finds this very funny. 

-I will not clean up after you and miss Ral, you say with a voice full of mockery. He hesitates. 

-I am your Captain. Clean up YOUR mess. 

-Little man, shorty, do it yourself. 

-What did you say? 

-You're not just short? Your hearing is bad too? Poor shorty. 


-The world's shortest. 

-I'm warning you (N)

-Buuhuuu, I'm so scared

-I said stop. His words are powerful but you're way too drunk to read the signals. 

-Hahah, make me, you say provocatively. He crashed his lips unto yours and forcefully pulls you closer. His hands travel down your back, and he reaches your tights. He gives them a squeeze and you gasp in surprise. He deepens the kiss, his fresh lemon-tasting mouth freshen up your intoxicated one. He kisses your cheekbone, and rains kiss down to your collarbone, and find your weak spot. His kisses on your neck turn into careful bites and he carefully sucks on your weak spot. You let out a moan, in your drunken state you can't control the lust, the craving for him. You can feel him smirking through the kisses. He lifts you up and carries you to his desk and places you down. Being a clean freak like he is, there wasn't anything on it. Except you. He pushed you further on the desk and climbs on top of you. He carefully rubs your thigh up and down, lifting your dress up. He carefully bites your lip and lets his hand over your torso. You try to contain your moan but it escapes your lips, and you see something change in his eyes. He kisses you on the lips again and you feel yourself getting warmer and warmer. He notices your reaction and starts kissing your neck again. And you continue to moan. 

-Say my name, he whispers into your ear. His warm breath on your ear tickles you. 

-Say you want me, he whispers with a husky voice. He bites your neck and you moan. 

-L-l-levi, you stutter and he bites his lower lip. 

-Do you want me? He whispers. You just nod. 

-I said, do you want me (N), he says a little louder. 

-I want you, Le.. you moan in the middle of your sentence, caused by Levi grabbing your bottom.

-I couldn't quite hear you. He smirks. 

-I want you, Levi. You say and he chuckles. He kisses you on the lips again and smirks. 

-I want you too, but not when you're drunk. He kisses you one last time and climbs off. You stare at him in confusion and disappointment. You get up and the feeling of anger takes over you. 

-So you can take her and not me? Am I not pretty enough? Why am I not enough? You yell. You manage to unlock the door and run to your room and lock yourself in. 

Levi's let, shocked in his office. 

-Does she know about it? He mumbles. He walks to your room and knocks on the door. The corridors are empty, The captain is the only one there. 

-I want you, but I want you to want me, when you're not drunk he says, then he leaves. You fall asleep on the bathroom floor and, your sleep is anxious and you know that there will be trouble tomorrow. 

What you didn't know, was that there was someone else in the room with you, who had been waiting for you. 


Making a new cover for the fanfic, hopefully it will turn out good xD 

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