13. Better or worse?

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You were quite embarrassed by your encounter with Levi. He knew exactly how to make you blush. Your face turned into a big frown.

-I bet he does that to Petra too... You mumble and walk towards the infirmary. Sommers emerald eyes met you and light up like the sun when you entered the room.

-I missed you, my (N)! She shouts and takes your hand.

-Relax, Sommer, you laughed. Wolf and Gray entered, and you smiled. Gray stood beside you and was about to say something but was interrupted by Wolf.

-You really got beat up Sommer, luckily our little cutie saved you! He says playfully and pats you on the head. You try to shoot him death glares and pout, but all of you just end up laughing anyway. The three of you sit down on the bed next to Sommer. And the atmosphere is light, happy, and energetic. Leaving the room, your mood was good again. You skipped towards your room and heard footsteps behind you.



-What do you want Levi, you knew it was him by his famous "Oi."

-Tch, Brat. I'm going into town, do you want to join? Levi asks drags his fingers through his hair.

-Sure, why not, you say and shrug your shoulders. You will show him that you're hard to get. And that, the kiss was a one-time thing happening like that. I'll make him blush, you thought, and a smile of mischief appeared on your face. 

You changed into a more casual outfit. A cute and simple red dress, after one hour, it was time to meet up with Levi. He was waiting by the staples and looked a bit shocked when he saw you. His eyes scanned you from head to toe, you tough you could see a small blush on his cheeks, but his expression went back to emotionless. He was wearing black pants, a white shirt, and his canvas. He literally didn't go anywhere without it. He looked effortlessly hot. You walked past him to the horse next to his, which he had already prepared, and the two of you rode down to town. Riding in a dress was way more uncomfortable than you expected. Finally, you arrived and quickly got off your horse. You let out a tired sigh and put your hair behind your ear. Levi is glancing at you, and a small smile forms on his lips. 

The town is beautiful. You haven't seen it in ten years. Levi grabbed your arm and you stared at him in confusion. 

-We're going this way, I have to buy supplies. You just roll your eyes and follow him. He leads you to a little shop with perfumes and soaps. The lady behind the counter seems to recognize him and blush when he enters the shop. You follow him and the products look really pricy. He picks up a few different soaps. Lavender, Lemon, Rose, then he walks over to the perfumes. He smells a few of them, but you stay and look at the other soaps. They looked pretty and smelled lovely. 

-Oi, Brat let's go. He said and went out of the store, you followed him and walked beside him. 

-Sooo, isn't Lavender and Rose a little bit feminine, even for you? I mean, it's nothing wrong with being feminine but I just didn't take you as...

-Tch, it's not for me stupid. And with that, he fastens his pace. You enter a few shops after that, a store with cleaning supplies, Tea-shop. You walked past a jewelry store, where your eyes fell for a beautiful silver necklace with a blue jadestone in the middle. You smiled for yourself, and Levi watched you. But it was too expensive. You load the supplies on the horses and Levi has a weird expression on his face. 

-I just have to do one quick errand I'll be back in five minutes. You got up on your horse and waited. He came back and it didn't look like he had anything with him. Weird. Smoothly he got on his horse and the ride home began. He rode slowly, so you could talk. 

-So how did you like the town? 

-It was nice, made me feel a bit nostalgic. You said feeling a little sad. 

-Come I want to show you something. He leads you to a little hill with a big tree. He got off his horse and sat down, leaning back, using the tree as back support. Happily, you got off your horse and took a seat next to him. The view was pretty, you could see the town, but it was quiet and calm. The sun gave you warmth and you felt happy and warm. The silence was broken by Levi.

-Close your eyes. You did as he said, and you could hear him moving. He carefully removed the hair from your left shoulder and you were about to speak when he gently placed a kiss on your neck. You froze at the spot. Butterflies filled your stomach and your cheek burned. You hear some paper, then he places something around your neck. His soft lips kiss you gently on your shoulder and he leans back on the tree again. 

-You can open your eyes. You grab the necklace and look at it. It was the beautiful necklace from the store. You look at him with happiness.

-Thank you, Levi! You say excitedly and hug him tightly. He was a bit surprised by your movements, but tighten the hug. Letting go, you see that you're positioned on his lap your legs being separated by his. You're about to get off when he places his hand on your lower back and your chin with the other. Your eyes meet his. He leans in and kisses you. Everything stops and it's just you, and the Raven-haired man. Every movement of his hand against your back gives you goosebumps. He breaks the kiss and rains kisses down your neck, to your collarbone. He places both his hands on your hips and pulls you even closer. His muscular chest is pressed against yours, and you can feel his heart beat rapidly. Returning to your lips he carefully bites your lower lip and your gasps. He uses the opportunity to deepen the kiss. His tongue taste like tea, and lemon. Just like before. His hands travel up and down your thighs and you can feel yourself getting more and more lost in his touch. You kiss his neck, and carefully bite his earlobe. A quiet moan escapes his throat and you smirk. You kiss him down to his collarbone and open two of his bottoms with your mouth. Not wanting to get lost in the heat by yourself, you kiss his chest and drag your fingers through his soft hair. His breathing is getting faster, and heavier. You kiss him further down his chest. And to your disappointment, you find a hickey. Completely out of the mood, you coldly stop kissing him, get up and walk back to your horse. A confused Levi follows you and chooses not to say anything. The ride back to headquarters is quiet. 

You can see that he wants to say something but hesitates. But you don't want to hear it. You wanted to show that you were not enchanted by his touches. Even though you wouldn't have stopped if it wasn't for the hickeys. Returning, you quickly took the supplies and went to your room. It all made sense now, you thought.  The soaps, perfume, it was for her. The one you disliked the most at this bloody headquarter. Petra Ral. Speaking of the devil, you can see the one and only Petra Ral entering his office. Why was he kissing you when he already had a lover? Girlfriend? or whatever she was. 

-(N) stop. Levi pushes you against the wall and pins your arms over your head. 

-What's wrong? He asks sincerely. 

-Well, I guess you don't have any guilt. But I rather not be kissing somebody who already has a girlfriend. You grit your teeth and kick his leg. Causing him to let you go. You ran the last part to your room and locked the door behind you... That boy meant trouble.

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