8. Soon to come

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Bright sun rays hit your face lightly, and you wake up, you feel stronger today, and you're allowed to leave. You walk out in the bright sunlight and let the warmth of the sun touch you. Happily, you walk down to the training area to watch them train, even though you wanted to join, the doctors said that you weren't allowed to train until tomorrow. Obsorbing them, you analyzed their fighting capability and how good they were at statistic fighting. Petra's good, So is Reiner and Erwin. Mikasa is an incredible fighter, one of the best. Eren, on the other hand, isn't that good, he fights on impulses not reading his opponent. You feel a soft tap on your shoulder, and Gray sits down next to you.

-So what do you think? He asks looking at the fights.

-There are a few good ones, but mostly bad ones. You say and shrug your shoulders. Eren sees that you're looking at him, so in the break, he runs over to you.

-So what do you think? He asks proudly.

-It's okay, you say smiling.

-Give me some pro tips, but please don't tell the others, he whispered.

-Well, try to read the other person movement, and you'll win, you smile, and he happily runs back.

-(N) you're wanted in the officer's office, you too Gray. A blonde guy says and quickly go away again. You and Gray look at each other and sight. After a few minutes you, Gray, Wolf and Sommer's sitting in the office, since it's the four of you, you got a pretty good idea of what this meeting will be about.

-As you know I've summoned you, Dot Pixis says.

-Because? Wolf asks.

-You are now our biggest source on the outside world, and we need that information. Tell us about the different Titans.

-Well, there are 4, 6, 7,8 and 10 meters tall. The smaller ones are faster, but the bigger ones seem like they can "read" our movements better. Sommer says.

-How many were you from the beginning.

-We were ten. Gray says shortly.

-I see, Dot says. Where did you live?

-We lived in different places, but most recently we lived near the mountains in a cave where the Titans couldn't reach us. You say. We were safer from the Titans but had more trouble getting something to eat.

-We've have heard something that sounded like earthquakes, but the shapes that the earthquakes left, looked like huge footsteps. Sommer says, and nobody says a word. Dot is writing something down, looking concerned.

-I need to talk to the others, so you are dismissed he says and rushes out of the office. You all look at each other and walk out in silence. You're heading to your room with Gray.

-You know if you can't sleep, you can always come to my place, and you can sleep there, if it makes you feel safer. He says.

-How did you know I can't sleep? You ask and stare at him.

-Sommer told me, and I've seen you walking around. He says and sighs.

-Owe, you say and blush.

-So if you can't sleep just come to me okay? He smiles and walks to his room. After those words, you go inside your room and rest. Gray is so kind, you thought. Your eyelids feels heavy and you drift away to sleep.

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