12. You coward

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-I DON'T LEAVE ANYONE BEHIND!!! You scream and turn the horse around. Three big Titans surround Sommer. Rapidly you jump onto the biggest Titan and slice his neck, then the second and third. Before the group had caught up with you, you had already taken down the Titans. With fury you stare at Levi, he was planning to leave Sommer just because she was injured and surrounded, helpless. You help Sommer up on your horse and ride to the wall, ignoring the group. Quickly you get Sommer to the doctors, and you had to go there as well. You had four broken ribs, but you were used to that kind of pain, so you did what you always do. Train. Heading towards the training field you heard people talking about you from another room.

-We need (N) on our side! A manly voice said.

-she's one of our best fighters!

-But isn't it strange how good she is? A suspicious voice said. You didn't want to hear more; your blood was already boiling. You opened the door and bounced right into a sweaty muscular body, you look up, and it was Levi. You try to walk past, but he grabs your arm.

-(N) please listen!

-No, you listen to me! I don't respect cowards like you who leave their comrades behind! I missed you so much, but when I come home, there's no Levi here! Only a pathetic coward! You scream and look him right into his eyes. He let go of your arm.

-If that's how you feel... But it hasn't been easy for us either... he says and his voice breaks, then he walks away.

You feel angry, but yet wrong about what you just said. After a few minutes of thinking, you decided to go to Levi's room and apologize for calling him pathetic and a coward. With careful knocks, you knock on his door. The sound of a shower stops and footsteps appears, in the door now stands a newly showered Levi, water drops running from his hair, down on his cheek and chest. All he was wearing was a towel.

-Owe, sorry I didn't expect it to be you, he says with no expression, then let you inside. He goes to the bathroom to get dress, but when he's done, he's still not wearing a shirt.

-So what do you want? He asks and stares at you with empty eyes.

-Ehh, well, you see... I wanted to apologize you mumble.


-I'm sorry for calling you pathetic... you say not looking at him. Because looking at him with no shirt on, kind of made you blush.

-Was that all? He says, still no expression.

-Yes, that's it bye, you say with a sad tone and walk towards the door. You open it but a hand forces it to shut, Levi's hand. You turn around, and his face is only inches away.

-I missed you; he says looking deep into your eyes.

-I missed you too, you mumble. You could feel his hot breath against your cheek, and you blush.

-I still make you blush huh? He asks with a smirk.

-Keep dreaming, you say and roll your eyes.

-Just like you do, and if you excuse me, I have to get dressed, or do you prefer me like this.

-Stop being such a pervert! What happened to old gentleman Levi? You pout.

-Well, he turned 25 and changed.
Another chapter done,  hope you enjoyed it!

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