4. Bleak

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The wind was howling through the trees; rain was pouring down from the cloudy sky. It was a bleak day. You didn't care that it rained, so you went to the practice field and started to practice with your knives. Hitting, getting all your fury out. Hitting high, low and spinning. You work out for about twenty minutes then you took a short break.

-Looking good, a familiar voice said behind you. Wolf.

-Thanks. You say and keep on training.

-Mind if I join? He says. And picked up two knives. In response, you just nodded and picked up your knives again. You start sparring against each other. 

-Is everything okay? You seem distracted? Wold says and looks curiously at you.

-I'm fine. You mumble.

-Well, then you suddenly started to suck at fighting. He says, grabs your leg, causing you to fall and end up on top of you with his knife by your throat.

-Guess that's it then. You say, irritated.

-Can you please just tell me? He mumbles and stares at you.

-Just weird being back....

-You seem really out of character; you're usually very happy and energetic. Wolf helps you up from the muddy ground and look at you. A massive thunder echoes and you two rushed in. Soaking wet you wandered the halls, looking for somewhere to get some tea. An old man named Dot Pixis called Wolf for another meeting, and you were alone in the vast empty halls. Cold winds made you shiver; you really needed some new warm clothes and something hot to drink. The smell of tea filled your nose, and you followed the scent. It leads you to Levi's room, right before you were going to walk away he's standing in front of you. He looks at you wide eyed.

-(N) You're shaking how cold you are! He says and dragged you into his room and shut the door. Luckily, he had just made tea, so he gave you a big cup, while he was walking around.

-Take this and this, he says and gives you warm new clothes. His clothes.

-I-I-I .... Turn around then. You say and blush.

-(N), you can change in the bathroom and take a shower, don't worry I won't peak he says and take a sip of his tea and settles down by his desk. The walk to the bathroom felt eternal. The warm water slowly defrosts your cold body. Carefully you put on his clothing, even though he was short, he shirt was still too big. Looking at yourself in the mirror, in Levi's clothing made you blush. With quiet steps, you walk out to the main room again, and you see Levi reading something, but when he hears you, he looks up from his book and lay his eyes on you. A small smile spread over his lip.

-You better hurry to drink your tea, before it's cold, he chuckles, still watching you.

-Why are you staring at me?! You pout.

-Am I not allowed to look at my long lost friend? He smirks and takes a sip from his cup.

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