19. Last

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You look into the water and see your 5-year-old self. Your skin is sunkissed and your eyes are young and innocent. Beside you sits a pale, black-haired boy with steel eyes. Levi. He stands up and looks at you. 

-We'll always be together, I'll always protect you. The ten-year-old Levi says. 

-Always? You asked. 



A white, blinding light awakens you. Your sight is blurry, and you can only make out shadows. Voices fill the room. 

-She's waking up. 

With every second that goes by, your vision becomes clearer and clearer. You see those piercing silver eyes looking at you. He's right beside you. They're full of pain, not empty like they used to. You look around the room and see many injured people. White bandages, stained with blood. 

-What happened? You say and feel how dry your throat is. 

-You've been sleeping for almost two weeks... He says quietly. 

-We weren't sure you'd wake up. You looked around you and saw Gray and Sommer. 

-Ehm, where's Wolf? They looked down and you can see the sadness on their faces. You look over at Levi, he doesn't meet your eyes. 

-Where's Wolf? You say and feel anxiety creeping over you. 

-We all came out to you after we sealed the wall. Levi was there with you... But you... Sommers voice breaks and tears start to fall from her eyes. 

-You didn't wake up, more and more titans kept coming and we had to get you out of there. We stayed behind while Levi got you to safety up on the wall... We were joining you when... When an abnormal caught Wolf... He... He lost his arm and he's in critical condition... Sommer snobs and you feel tears streaming down your face. 

-We don't know if he'll wake up... We're lucky you woke up... She hugs you and you can hear the pain in her cries. 

-Please take me to him. You say and look at Grey, he nods and carefully lifts you up bridal style. Pain shots through your body and you start to cough blood. The tears won't stop coming. 

-She needs to rest. Levi says and stares at Grey. His eyes are intense but Grey ignores it. 

-No she needs to see her family. He says and walks past Levi, going to Wolf. Bandages completely red. His bedsheets a bloody mess. Face pale and not a smile in sight. Lips dry and blue. 

-But we finally got so safety why... You whisper and Gray sits you down beside Wolf. You can feel everything spinning and your breathing is shaking. Your fingers are trembling as you carefully stroke his pale cheek. He won't wake up... you thought and felt your inside crawling, your chest was cramping from the pain of seeing one of your best friends, your family dying in front of your eyes again. Everything becomes dark and you fall into the depth of despair.

~~~~~~~~~fast forward~~~~~~~~~

It's been two months since your injury and you're riding with Sommer and Grey trying to reach the horizon. Wolf didn't make it. All you had left was Grey and Sommer. You would do anything to protect them. You've traveled far from the wall, mile after mile. Never wanting to go within them again. They didn't bring you safety, they brought you pain and heartbreak. After riding another 3 hours you can see something blue glistening on the horizon. The three of you ride faster and tears roll down your cheeks. 

You found it. You've found the ocean. Hand in hand you, Sommer, and Grey go down to the big blue horizon. You take off your boots and let the chill water cool your feet and legs. It felt amazing. 

-We found it Wolf, you say and tears stream down your face. 

-Yeah we finally found it, Grey says and embraces you. 

-It blends with the sky, just as you said Wolf, Sommer says and the three of you cry in each other's arms. Finally, we have reached our destination, the sea. You think. And watches the horizon where the ocean meets the Sky. 

But when you saw it, you knew that wasn't the end. It was just the beginning of your nightmare. 


Authors note: 

So this was the final chapter! Hope you have enjoyed my story and thank you so much for reading it!  I'm writing another AOT fanfic, and also Knb if you're interested in that :P 

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