5. Lost time

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-Where did you disappear? Wolf says walking beside you.

-Owe I took a shower and drank some tea. You mumble deep in your thoughts.

-Huh? Really? Just a shower? He winks.

-Aish, quiet! Just a shower! You pout while your face turns red.

-So "he" makes you blush even when he's not around? He smirks.

-We're only friends and nothing more! Embarrassed you punch Wolf on his arm and walk away. Wolf hurry his pace and he's beside you again. He's looking at you but his mind is somewhere else, because you can see in his eyes that he's lost in his thoughts. You chuckle and roll your eyes. You entered the dining hall and looked around, you saw Eren, who recognized you.

-(N)!!!!!! He shouts and hugs you.

-How are you? You ask.

-Alive, you?

-Same. Eren takes your hand and dragging you towards the dining hall. Sitting with your old friends made you so happy, yet you felt the huge time gap. There are so many lost memories.

-So how do you Feel? Eren asks and looks deep into your eyes.

-Well like I don't fit in, you mumble. 

-I'm sure it will get better! You've only been back for a few days! So don't worry! Eren says, showing a big bright smile. The conversation continues telling you everything you've missed out on, the Titan attack, the training, the missions, relationships, commanders, Levi and much more. 

Seeing your friends talk, laugh together felt like they were in another world and you were on the outside looking in. Only a fool can believe that things can become like it used to. You dragged yourself back to your room and lay down in your bed. No matter how you tried, you weren't like them anymore. 


-NOOO NOO! Please!! The sound of Julian being ripped apart of a Titan woke you up, blood dripping from his cripple body. The Titan ate him, blood splash everywhere, the Titans crazy, never satisfied eyes stared at you. Not a muscle in your thin body could move. Roger picked you up and ran away from there, into a cave small and strong enough for the Titans to reach you. That was your eleventh birthday. 


You woke up drenched in sweat, never able to sleep without a nightmare. The horror, the guilt that filled your consciousness, your mind was always there. Never letting you have peace within yourself. With tired, weak steps you walk to the bathroom and wash your face. Letting the cold water wake up from your dark thoughts. You walked around in your room trying to get a regular heartbeat, taking deep breaths, closing your eyes, singing, but nothing seems to work. It was haunting you. It was driving you crazy, you wanted to scream but there's no sound, you hit the wall but all your strength seems like it's disappeared. Tierdly you walked over by the window and looked outside. Someone was lurking in the shadows, obsorbing you. His or her eyes were glued at you and it looks like it's smileing. It feels like your stomach is turning inside out so you run to the bathroom and vomit. Then you stay there, afraid of going outside, with all lamps on, you fall asleep on the bathroom floor in the comfort of light. 

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