6. Why?

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You walked out from your room trying to find something to drink. With every step, you felt your throat burning with thirst. I shouldn't have skipped dinner your thought and sighed. It was all dark in the dining hall, so you took a candle with you as you walked towards the kitchen. Reaching the kitchen, you hear a loud sigh. Completly still you try to adjust your eyes to the pitch black room. It looks like a girl; you walk closer. 

-Who's there?  A light voice say. 

-(N), I'm just going to get something to drink. 

-Owe, it's you; It's me Mikasa. You take something to drink and excuse yourself and head back to your room. Passing the big doors that you been inside on your first meeting, there are angry and loud voices. Carefully you walk closer and blow out your candle. 

-We need them at our side! 

-They know so much! We need that information. 

-Let's gather them tomorrow again. Quickly you ran back to your room and shut the door. Laying down in your bed, small, salty tears form in your eyes. 

Why am I the outsider?! Why was I stupid enough to think that things could go back like it used to be. WHYYYY! You scream into your pillow. 


Your throat hurts from thirst and all the screaming. You haven't eaten for three days, and you feel your strength slowly sinking out of you like an hour glass sand. Every step hurts so bad, sour and weak muscles. The ground was uneven causing you and your friends to tumble, stumble, fall, now and then. All you could think about was how you wanted everything to end...


You woke up from your thought by a knock on your door, with a knife in your hand you opened the door, it was Sommer. She looked so exhausted. Heavy bags under her emerald eyes, tired eyes, and she sheepishly smiles. Embraced in her arms, you feel warm. 

- I can't sleep. She shrieked, and tears fall from her green eyes. You let her rest in your bed, and after a while, she has fallen asleep. Not wanting to wake her up you took your jacket and went outside. Breathing in the cool air, you close your eyes. 

-Can't sleep either? A soft voice said behind you. You turn around and see Levi. 

-No, you sigh and look down on the muddy ground. 

-Let's go for a walk, Levi says. It's a night full of stars, and the wind is howling through the streets. In silence, the two of you walk side by side. 

-What happened out there? He asks suddenly.

-A lot. Ten year's a long time. You mumble.

-Well, what happened you're so different....

-Well, I've seen my friends die in front of my eyes since I was eight. I've cried myself to sleep for nine years. I've walked days without food. Not the same. NOT THE SAME ARE YOU KIDDING ME? WHY WOULD I BE THE SAME!?!! You scream in fury. In anger you turn around and walk back. Raindrops drip from the sky and it starts pouring. He grabs your arm forcing you to turn around. You slap him and run back to the room, closing the door and go into the shower. Tears pour down your cheeks, and you feel so weak. 

How could he ask such a thing, it's too much... You thought and picked up your knife.  

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