Chapter 3- Tali

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"We are now about to touch down at Bremerton National airport, make sure your seatbelts are secure as we prepare to land. Thank you again for flying with Atlantic airlines" the lady over the telecom said as Tali got back into her window seat, climbing over a very old built man, he had very messy dark oak hair down to his shoulders all tied in knots at the end which made Tali want to brush them out the entire flight or put her bonnet over it, one of the two. She had been stuck with him and his wife for 8 hours, bickering the entire flight. "I cannot believe I have been married to you for 25 years and you still don't know my sisters husband's, grandmother's dog sitter's name! Analia, you've met her loads of times! I thought you said you knew my family well!" the woman argued as she rolled her eyes at her husband who just looked at her in disgust, they had several stupid debates like this during the flight and Tali got sick of it by the first hour, simply turning on an audiobook, Becoming by Michelle Obama. As the plane landed at last people clapped and cheered, Tali just face palmed and to her expectance, the couple clapped and cheered as well. Tali bit the inside her cheek trying to hold her laughter of upmost stupidity as she rolled her eyes at the couple, she couldn't wait till she got off.

As she grabbed her bag just above the seats and put the camo backpack on her back, the couple turned to her "Are you a little young to travel on your own?" the old woman asked, a hint of concern in her voice. "I shouldn't think so Ma'am I'm 24 and here on business" Tali said as she looked up at the compartment and spotted two small suitcases, one pink and one black "Would you like me to get this for you?" Tali asked as she was already taking them down, they were heavier than expected "Your accent" the man started, "here we go" Tali whispered to herself before turning to the older man "Its Isreali Sir but I was raised in Paris that's why it doesn't sound quite... normal to Americans" she chuckled as she watched the man walk off.

"I'm sorry about my husband" the older woman laughed, "Do you have a husband? or is he meeting you here?" This is possibly worse than the accent question, considering she had a lesbian flag pin on her backpack, but surely the woman didn't know what this was "Urm.. I'm not looking for a suitor right now" "Oh I'm sorry.. but I would love to be single again, all the freedom-" her husband shouted for her at the other end of the plane "I must head off now, what did you say your name was?" The woman asked "Sp- Tali David, and yours ma'am?" she asked softly "Greta Jones and my husband Robert Jones we run Jones international, also here on business-" "GRETA!" her husband cried "I think you should be leaving" Tali giggled as she watched the woman walk off and sighed in relief, she was finally alone. 

She thanked the airline staff for a safe flight as she walked down the steps and noticed a familiar face, holding a sign in the windows that paned the wall of the airport. Leroy Jethro Gibbs. she definitely did not expect him to come here to pick her up, she smiled and ran down the steps, down the path and straight through the door, "Uncle Gibbs!" she smiled as she hugged him tightly "Jesus Tali you got big in 2 months" he giggled as he prised himself from her grip "You didn't think that I would be there to pick you up?" he asked a singular eyebrow raised as he slapped the back of her head playfully before she heard a laugh through a phone "Not even in DC for 2 minutes and already a hit! Well done Boss", that familiar voice, that was her Aba "You on the phone to Aba?" Tali asked giggling as she ripped the phone from his hand and put it too her ear "Well hello Probie" her father giggled "You can't call me that yet dad I haven't even got the job" "Well its not like Gibbs is gonna fire you on the spot is he?" a slap was heard in the background "Thank you Ziver" Gibbs said as he shut the phone down and escorted Tali to the car.

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