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Five years later

I stretch my arms as a yawn escapes my mouth. The digital clock besides me says it's 5 a.m. already.

The white curtains sway with the soft breeze and I look beside me.

The little hands has been tugging a corner of my t-shirt. Her soft snores makes my day.

As I slip out of the bed, Agni wakes up.

"Sorry. Did I wake you up?" I ask.

She shakes her head as a small smile curls her lips and as soon as she tries to leave the bed, our daughter, Kriti wakes up and starts crying.

Agni takes her against her chest as she soothes my daughter's back and she falls asleep immediately. She is only eight months old and Agni can't leave her because whenever she leaves, Kriti starts crying.

"Sleep, I will make the coffee." I wink and heads toward the kitchen downstairs.

After our marriage three years ago, Agni and her mother move in with me in Mumbai. She still writes her stories, however, because of Kriti, she has to pay a lot of her time to her.

Little Kriti was adopted when she was only one month old. Agni could not hold her tears as she took her in her hands. She adores Kriti and is very protective.

My mom has finally settled everything as she is very concerned about Kriti's health. Dad can't begin his days without seeing her little round face.

As I take a coffee mug for Agni, my mom comes, "Is Kriti awake?"

"No. Agni tried to come to the kitchen for breakfast but she woke up." I have a business to attend today so Agni has already prepared everything beforehand. I only have to put it in my tiffin.

"Okay. I will make your tiffin then."

I nod and say, "I have already made you tea. Be sure to drink it while it's hot."

As I reach them I see Agni has already slept, clutching Kriti against her chest. Lately she can barely sleep and I have to make sure she stays well after all, her next book is coming late in December.

I sip on my coffee and try to drink in the sight before me. This is all I wanted.

I am glad I had decided to propose Agni and followed her to New York. We had a lot of ups and downs. We had arguments, fighting but never once I thought of leaving her.

I liked her and before I knew I had fallen hard for her and now, she has given me the world's best joy. She made me a father. She took responsibility of Kriti and decided to be a mother. She doesn't take more projects but still she keeps growing in her career.

That is what I have always wanted.


Author's note:

Sorry it was a little rushed. I will edit and stretch the epilogue a bit later since I barely have time in my hands. ;)

Until then Sayounara...

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