Chapter 20

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"Do you believe me, now?" I ask between my breaths.

"Are you sure you're not going to regret it later?" She asks her voice becoming little. She has everything but the only thing she doesn't have is confidence in her.

I lean again but she holds me and changes her lines, "I believe you! I believe you!"

"But what about your parents?" She asks.

"Ah, well... I have convinced them already."

A gap forms on her lips, "What? And they said yes?"

"Well, no."

A coat of sadness appears on her face as I hold her chin and lifts it so she can look at me directly to my eyes.

"I've said it already have faith in me. They want an heir so, it's not an impossible task. We'll work something out. Future trouble for future us." I wink and a small smile forms on her face.

"Let's not worry for the future now." She leans in and warm spread all over my body as we cocooned against each other.

"What did you talk, by the way?" She asks as I recall the previous memory of our conversation:

"Dad, mom, I want to talk with you."

They look at me with questioning glances.

"It's about Agni."

My mom's face becomes sour instantly. "What about her?"

"Do you hate her?"


"Then stop judge her based on if she is able to bear an heir or not. It was just a day ago, you liked her but now that you know, she can not become a mother, you are looking at her as if she is a bad omen." I tell and add, "Mom, it hurts me."

Mom's expression changes to solemn, "I know, Adi. But what I want—"

"I know that very well. But, if I live with her, I will be happy. We can adopt a child or there are various methods to have your own flesh."

Mom is clearly not satisfied and her face twitches at the mention of adoption.

I go to her and take her hands in me, "She is a very good person, Ma. But she needs a person to take care of her as well. I like her and she likes me (probably)."

"We have enough time in our hands to look for. Please, mom." I look at dad with pleading eyes.

"Son, you have grown into a good man. I am proud of you." He pats on my shoulder but mom is not at all pleased as her eyes fill with tears.

My mom glares at Dad and I have expected to change his statement however when he opens his mouth 'Chamatkaar' happens. (Unexpected)

He says, "Let him decide for his future. If he can be happy with Agni, let him be. An heir is an excuse as we already have another child, right?"

"But Trayi is a girl."

"Don't talk like a hypocrite. A girl or a boy, both of them are our children. Just because society has decided to make a son an heir doesn't mean we have to follow it. What if Aditya has a daughter. Will you beg them to create more babies for the sake of an heir?" Dad's voice was strict which manages to shock both mom and me.

I had no clue Dad's thinking is way modern and I thank him from my head since it is weird.

"If you want me to not ask her then say me now," I say my voice bears the seriousness in it. I am serious about her.

Lot Like Love: A Bengal Romance ✔Where stories live. Discover now