Chapter 10

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Hey, guys... I could not reread this chapter so, it has so many mistakes and I'm a bit sleepy. So, I'll make it right tomorrow.

The tears of females burst forth like water from a dam which is nearby as we are still in Maithan and the D.V.C* is not far away. Sobbing fills otherwise sehnai music as Bratati moves forward and her mother stays with her anchal* spreading behind her. Bratati takes a handful of uncooked rice and throws it to her mom's anchal and leaves while a river of tears flows on her red cheeks.

'Banno re banno mera, chali sasuraal re, ankhiyo me pani de gayi...'¹ the songs blares through the sound boxes as the situation gets more emotional.

She doesn't look back and another series of crying aunties stand by the big entrance. There is an art in their crying faces as none of them have a droplet on their cheeks but sniffing like they are the one leaving instead of Bratati. A few of them even hugs her and Bratati's confused face says she doesn't have any clue who are they. But she let them hug her. Spreading happiness is always good - in this case, crying-ness.

While Angshu leads Bratati to the decorated car, I look behind and see Agni is moving her bike and a bag behind straps over her shoulder.

Where's she going?

Her mom comes and they exchange some conversation. From her mom's disapproving face, I can only imagine, she doesn't like her to ride Kawasaki.

However, she gives a flying kiss to her mother who's face melts to a smile and nods.

We stand beside the cars as the family members of Bratati bids her farewell and Agni joins us with her bike and her helmet hangs from her hand.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

Her heels wearing boots supports the black bike with it, "To her husband's abode, where else?"

Butterflies flatter in my belly and I ask, "You're coming with us?"

She nods and puts on the monster helmet.

"But it's a long three hours ride. You can come with us in the car," I suggest as it will make her back pain and when will reach, the traffic might make us late.

"It's okay. I can handle it besides, I need to meet one of my friends," she says through her helmet.

Dev comes, "What happened?"

"She's coming with us but doesn't want to go in the car."

In a fraction of seconds, Dev's tired face changes to a grin and I can feel his blissful aura radiating from him.

I narrow my gaze at him.

"You can sit..." he begins but cuts off by Agni, "No! I like bikes, thanks."

In one of the cars, I sit beside Dev while Dev sits on the driving seat. Behind us, Angshu and Bratati.

And the other car has Amit with two of our cameramen. Agni rides beside us, her bike on a slow speed and we leave for Kolkata.


After one hour, we have already crossed Asansol and almost entering Durgapur, Bratati says, "I'm feeling suffocated."

I look behind and notice, she has still wearing so many ornaments and because of the cold wind, we have closed the windows.

Dev stops the car and Agni puts breaks on her bike as well. She moves her hands in the air asking "What happened?"

"She's not feeling well," he answers, opening the door so the wind can come in. Cold breeze enters and our bodies shiver in its touch however, it helps Bratai.

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