Chapter 3

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All the friends of Bratati surround Agni as well as the female population of groom's side, even my mom and the gossiping aunties.

She manages to win over my mom as she describes how much she's in love with my dad's lovebites. Especially the sweets ones - The bakery biscuits, cakes, choco chips etc. and etc. It is happening for the first time that a wife is very happy after hearing her husband's lovebites from another woman. However, it's just a company's name.

My mom even promised to teach her the new recipe on apple cakes which happens to be our new launch, late in July.

"Um... Mom, just a second." I call and she's still busy with chatting with other aunties.


"What?" She hisses and comes.

"Don't spill out the recipe! It's our new product!" I whisper-yell at her.

She pouts, "But why? Besides, I wasn't going to tell anyone just Agni."

"No, you can't." I shake my head.

"But she's such a sweet girl! I'll make you a new recipe."

Is she serious? The investors have already decided to put their money and the recipe is already approved by ISSAI. We cannot just change it now.

"Dad, say something?" I ask Dad who looks between us then let out a burp.

Both mom and I narrow our gazes at him while I am wondering how did he survive all those years in LoveBites, mom starts, "Did you eat sweets, again?"

"Er... No?" Dad gives an answer with a question like that will help him to get away from mom's scoldings.

A frown appears on her face and she hisses, "You have diabetes! How could you even think of eating sweets?"

"But that's just one piece of Rosogolla!" Dad pouts like a five years old boy who is getting scoldings as if he stole something.

"You ate one piece just a moment ago!" Mom's fair face reddening with anger while dad cowers back. However, he is not the only one who is cowering back, there is me as I find it hard to decide whether this is the right moment to tell her not to give the recipe or not. When mom's angry everyone gets their share of scoldings even if they didn't do anything.

"I'll leave you two alone," I say as I storm away releasing a breath and collide with another one.

"Sorry!" I say when black doe eyes stare up at me with anger in them and the sound system plays 'Pyar hume kis mor pe le aya, ki dil kare hay! Ki koi ye bataye kya hoga?'¹. (Where does love bring us that my heart is saying 'ouf!' Can anyone say what'll happen?)

Her dark eyes become cold and the irritation in her body can be felt as my hands still hold her shoulder and waist in firm grips. Where my hands touch her slim waist, a sudden jolt of warm spread across my body.

Agni raises a brow as my gaze fell on her chest and the glass she holds is empty. The warmth that spread across my body earlier suddenly become cold as I notice the big brown stain on her top. The Coca-Cola has spilled all over her top.


" I didn't..." my mind can no longer prepare any words and the words that leaves from it are, "Can you...can you give me your clothes? I'll wash it."

Frown appears on both of our faces as I have managed create an awkward moment.

She scoffs and asks as corners of her lip curls up, "Even my bra?"

"Yes. I mean, no. No!" And I turn around my head if anything can save me and I hear my mom's angry voice.

She looks over my parents and asks, "You are sneaking away from your mom, aren't you?"

Lot Like Love: A Bengal Romance ✔Where stories live. Discover now