Chapter 7

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"So, you were..."

"No, I wasn't!"

Dev nods as he begins his interrogation session with me after the incident and I curse the power cut internally. I feel the need of a good talk with them. Someday.

"Then, what were your hands doing on her b..."

"Breast?" Barun finishes for him. He seems more concerned and I'll have a talk with Kanchana.

"I wasn't touching her breasts! My hands were on her dragon tattoo on her upper chest."

"That's too a molest. I can't believe you are my brother! You are molesting a woman!"

I narrow my gaze down at his dramatic expression. I was relieved that only a few people of the crowd who surrounded us heard her and not our parents or any gossip crews as they stood a few distance away. Otherwise, I would be accused of molestation. Guess, I've had too much whiskey.

I clench my jaw and walk away to the pandal as now, the mandap(pavilion) is full with people and the marriage ceremony will begin.

Dev and the rest of them comes behind me then they encircled me in a half circle from my behind. Angshu is there sitting on a peere(wooden plank) for sitting on the ground before fire and beside him, the pandit. The pandit is chanting already and everyone's waiting for the bride to come.

I move to find me a suitable spot and the half circle behind me moves with me. I turn at them who seem to be engrossed in the matras* the pandit is reciting. I know, they don't even know half of their meanings.

I move to the right and the circle moves with me and I turn around hissing, "What are you guys doing?"

"Saving the women from your *Potato Syndrome," answers Dev making my brows tie into a knot and I ask, "What?"

"You know the syndrome where you can't control your hands because there are some perverted thoughts going on your mind."

I shoot him a glare.

"Dev. This is too much!" Anger is boiling in me when the high pitch sound ulu* snaps us from our banter. And I turn to the mandap and the Saat Paak* begins.

The bride comes carried by her brothers on a peera while her face is covered with panpata(betel leaf) that are in her hands. Dhak, Sankha and ulu dhwani fills the place. Angsu stands up and the people who is carrying Bratati, takes seven rounds of him while Barun shouts, "Ah! Angshu, now is the time to run before you see her face!"

And all of the audience laughs out including Angshu.

Angshu shouts back, "Can't Barun da(brother). I'm already trapped here."

Everyone laughs and pulls Angshu's legs via their comments. Even my dad shouts, "Beta(son), welcome to the miserable husband committee."

My mom gives him a look and everyone burst out in a fit of giggles. Where everyone else is busy to pull the couple's legs my gaze is trying to find Agni. But there is no trace of her. I move my eyes at every corner and a guilt builds up in my heart. She must have thought I molested her and maybe she's ashamed to come out.

I've been hearing many whispers of her being divorced and the stupid move I've done made me feel very low. I have made her day worst in her own cousin's marriage.

The brothers of the bride has finally done taking seven rounds of Angshu and finally Bratati comes face to face with him, still hiding her face behind the leaves. However, her brothers are barely managing to stay straight with their exhausted hands and legs. Sweat covers them in the cold night of January and their clothes glued to their skin.

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