Chapter 20

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"Axie stop I'm trying to brush my teeth

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"Axie stop I'm trying to brush my teeth."
He pushed his head further into my neck and tightened his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"I just want kisses though."

I shook my head amused and spat out the toothpaste in my mouth before washing it away with water. I wiped the back of my hand over my mouth. I washed my toothbrush and placed it in the holder.

I turned around to Axel and held his head in my hands before placing a light kiss on his lips.
"There you go. You've got your kisses."

He shook his head and pouted adorably.
"I want more though."

I let out a sigh and looked at the clock behind him. It was around 9:40 and if we didn't leave now I'd be late for my exam.

I would love to continue kissing him.

Trust me. It's all I really want to do but that exam was important and I needed to attend it.

Axel must have notice my stressed look as he pulled away from me and held his hand out to me.
"I'll get my kisses later but for now let's get you to your exam."

I sent him a smile and took his hand. He pulled me out of the bathroom and I grabbed my bag on the way out of our room.

Our room. Never did I think I would be saying that.

We got to his car and Axel helped me in before getting in himself and starting the car. We were on the main road in under five minutes.

His house wasn't actually that far from the university but I knew he'd force me to eat something so we were probably going to make a stop to get coffee and food.

We were coming up to a Dunkin donuts and Axel made a turn into the drive through. He looked over at me and I thought over what I wanted before telling him.
"A caramel iced latte please."

He raised an eyebrow at me and I knew he wanted me to get something to eat too.

I pouted and just told him knowing I was going to win anyway.
"Sausage sandwich."

He smirked and went to say something but I cut him off.
"If you make some inappropriate joke right now Axel, you will be having lunch alone today."

His smirk dropped and he rolled his eyes before turning to the machine when it asked for our order.
"1 caramel iced latter with a sausage sandwich and 1 black coffee."

I whispered under my breath thinking he wouldn't hear me.

I must have been mistaken because he turned to me and I felt his eyes drill into the side of my head.
"Wanna say that again precious?"

He placed his hand high up my thigh. Like really high.

My body tensed and I sent him a bright smile while shaking my head quickly.

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