Chapter 33

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I stroked Adalyn's hair as she laid her head on my lap

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I stroked Adalyn's hair as she laid her head on my lap. My laptop was on a cushion beside me and I had my phone to my ear.

Adalyn had gone to sleep a little while ago after crying. The consistent worrying and fact she hadn't slept in over 10 hours must have worn her out.

I'm thankful she's getting some sleep and not overexerting herself.

It's been a stressful couple of hours.

"No. That's not what I'm fucking asking you for. I'm asking you to email me the file Mr Orington sent over yesterday. How the fuck am I supposed to do my job if I don't have those goddamn files?"

I held my phone up with my shoulder and started to type the report I had been putting off for a while.

All my work has been piling up and it needs to be done. So here I am talking to some idiot instead of cuddling with my precious.

"M-Mr Reid. We d-don't have that."

I rolled my eyes and scoffed.
"Why the fuck don't you have it? I was specifically told by his assistant he had sent it over yesterday. Where the fuck is it?"

The man hesitated with his answer and I rubbed my forehead.
"You know what. Put Charles on the phone. Maybe he can do this simple job that you couldn't."

"O-Of course Mr Reid. Charles w-will be with you in a m-moment."

I began to type again and looked down at Adalyn to make sure my excessive talking hadn't awoken her. Her eyes were still closed and I softly scratched her scalp causing her to hum and pull herself closer to me.

I smiled and looked back over at my laptop editing what I had just written.

"Mr Reid. How may I help you?"

I sighed and grabbed my phone again.
"Charles. Fire whoever I was just talking to. I need you to email me the files Mr Orington had sent over yesterday. Can you do that?"

"I will and of course Mr Reid. Is there anything you need?"

I thought for a moment, coming up with one more thing.
"The construction on the 11th floor. How's it going? Are they done?"

"The construction is going as planned. There was a setback with the locations of the water pipes but that was able to be sorted out. They should be finished by the end of the week. Is there anything else sir?"

"No Charles. Thank you."

I pulled my phone away from my ear as he replied. I placed it down just as a notification came through to my laptop. I clicked on it and sighed in relief.
"At least one of them can do their job. Fucking idiots."

I shook my head and placed my head on my hand going through the files. I scoffed at some bits highlighting them to be checked.
"Fuck sake."

I rubbed my jaw and suppressed a yawn. This needs to be done.

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