Chapter 32

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I nervously paced around the room biting on my fingers

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I nervously paced around the room biting on my fingers.

After Brody showed up, he didn't explain much before ushering us all to his house saying we would want to be there when they arrived.

I don't know how he was involved in all of this. I thought he was just a businessman. I had no idea he was my older sister's boyfriend.

I looked at the clock and my worry multiplied.

Shouldn't they be here by now? Have they been caught? Did something happen? Maybe they've been hurt. Maybe something went wrong.

What if they're dead?

My eyes stung at that thought. They can't be dead. We were just about to reconnect again.

"Precious. Come here."
I turned towards the couch that Axel was currently sitting on.

I walked towards him and he didn't waste any time pulling me into his lap. My thighs split so I was straddling him and he placed his hands around my back so I couldn't get up.

I scrunched the material of his shirt up as I placed my head under his chin.
"Adalyn, my precious, stop stressing. They're going to be completely fine."

He stroked my back and placed his other hand in my hair massaging it as well.

I pouted and a small sniffle left my nose.
"B-But what if they're not? What if they're hurt? Or worse d-dead?"

More tears left my eyes and Axel's hand came to my face to wipe them away before cupping my cheek.
"Precious. They're going to be completely fine. Don't worry over the 'what ifs' and think about what it'll feel like to finally be back with your family. Think happy thoughts. How about you tell me some huh? Come on."

He nudged my head with his chin and I used my hand to wipe my face.
"W-Well. There were a-always these days where me and Ivan would get ice cream. L-Like big big tubs. Massive tub and just eat it even if we got brain freeze. I really l-liked it when we did that."

Axel continued to give me back rubs and placed light kisses on the top of my head.
"There we go precious. Tell me more about what you used to do."

I took in a deep breath and shuffled up closer to him.
"W-Well me and Adrik would always play pranks on Leah and she'd get r-really mad at me. There was this one time Adrik put a s-stink bomb in her room and it stunk so bad. She couldn't get the smell out and ended up making Adrik change rooms with her and made him get her all new furniture and clothing for pay back. She tried not talking t-to me for a while but that didn't really work. She was really really mad at us though."

I let out a laugh and felt Axel smile into my hair.
"Blaise did a prank on Jake like that when he was 15. Let's just say Blaise ended up with a broken nose."

I giggled and pulled my head out from his chest.
"J-Jake is scary but he's nice sometimes."

Axel's face relaxed a little and I ran my thumb through the crease in between his eyebrows.
"He's not all bad. He's just got some issues that make it more difficult for him to live. He's actually a genuine kind person deep down. I just don't think he really knows how to show that side of him though without seeming weak."

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