Book 3 of New York series
(Does not need to be read as a series)
His hand travelled further up my thigh causing my skirt to move along with it. I bit my lip even harder.
"Now Adalyn ,if I do this, there's no escaping me. You're mine after. No one...
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Imagine all the speech in this is in Russian up until ***
"Ты бесполезная сука" My head was whipped to the side and I felt a stinging sensation erupt in my cheeks.
(You useless bitch.)
I tried my hardest to keep my tears in but I couldn't. I knew I would get hurt again for being weak but it hurt. It hurt really bad.
"Father stop it. She didn't do anything." His head snapped to the left where Adrik was being held back by Demetri. His body was shaking and he had a hard glare set in his face.
"Let her go. Just let her go." Papa nodded his head at Demetri who pulled a knife out of his pocket and stabbed it into Adrik's shoulder.
I screamed and tried to get out of Irina's grasp. She tightened her arms on me and I pulled on them. "Adrik. Adrik. What did you do? Adrik."
His head fell down and his hand gripped his chest where he had been stabbed. My loud shouting had awoken Fyodor, Katina, Ivan and Igor.
They came running down the stairs but ,when they saw the scene in front of them, they all stopped.
"Ahhh all my children. Here to see what happens to people that think they can get away with disobeying me." Ivan and Katina's eyes widened and they came running towards me but were soon held back by Fyodor and Igor.
My papa turned to me and slapped my face again. I let out a yelp and felt more tears fall. He pulled my hair up and punched me in the nose. I screamed as I felt the blood trickling down my face.
"I warned you Anastasia. You do as I say. How dare you hurt that man. Do you know who he is? If he wants to have my useless excuse of a daughter, he will have my useless excuse of a daughter." I shook my head with a whimper and turned back to him.
"B-But I don't want to do that p-papa." His knee came up to my chest and I fell down onto the floor. He kicked me again.
"Stop it. Stop it. Let her go. Stop hurting her." I turned to Ivan to see him pull his elbow back before hitting Fyodor square in the face.
Fyodor stumbled back and Ivan was able to escape and came running towards me.
My father chuckled and pulled a knife out of his pocket before throwing it at Ivan right in his leg.
He fell down with a groan but that was all. Blood began pouring out but he didn't seemed pained by it.
My papa turned back to me with a malicious smile. "Now where were we Anastasia?"
I sat up screaming.
I kicked my legs in every direction trying to get away. My arms flew around in the air and I didn't recognise where I was at first.