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I am sorry

There is no update this week because I don't have anything to update.

I had drafted chapters till chapter 22 but  when I told her to update a already writen chapter for me after 10 minutes she called again to tell me that her wattpad had a glitch and it deleted all the drafted chapters. 

After bowling my eyes out for good 20 minutes I have decided to write that chapters again. So there is no update this week but of course next week there will be a update or if I got a chance I will try to update within 3 or 4 days but no guarantee of update before a week.

And also noticed that there is not any update request, no comment, I didn't have any notification when I open my wattoad too. When there is no motivation for me to write then how can I write.

I always need some motivation to do something and I tend to forget that I have to write So I am giving you guys a task to remind me to write. I am having bust days. So remind me to update or write the chapters. 

Dm me or leave a message on any of the chapters to remind me to write. If I get alot of motivation then there is possibility that  I will update the next chapter within a day or two but if I don't get any motivation or reminder to write that there is possibility that I wouldn't update next week too. Well now update is your hands.


Please take note I have been noticing that I haven't had any new reader in a while not that I don't love you guys but I have put alot of my time and effort un this book if none will read it then tgat's disappointing. So.plaese help me reach some new readers. Give shoutout of this book on your message boards. Recommend this story to your friends, family or followers.

I think I should stop boring you guys. At last make sure to remind me to write and motivate me cause I am very lazy and stubborn. I will write for 10 minutes per request. 

Also read my new story 'Satisfying the devil' and  'Devil's Black Rose' 

Am I being too selfish?

now at this point I know you guys hate me ...........

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