24 {{ Devil's Addiction}}

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A few weeks later

Lily's POV

Tick tock tick tock tick tock......

'you have made a lot of progress in the past few weeks. I can finally say that you are somewhat healthy now ' Mr. Thomas finally spoke after taking an eternity to study my Medical reports.

I nodded silently. I have been sitting in boredom for the past 45 minutes, just to hear this. I just want to be out of this medical ward even though Mr. Thomas is an amazing person but I don't want to hear his one-hour lecture on keeping myself fit. He is a nutritionist that was hired for me but guess that he speaks a lot I don't want to listen but I still can't do anything other than listen to his boring speech.

Finally, a lady came to take me to Lorenzo's room. I have been living in Lorenzo's room since Eros left.

'Okay Lily, remember to drink more water from now on, ' Dr. Thomas said, dismissing me. I walked with the lady to Lorenzo's room. I walked slightly behind her making sure to not look at the passing scary men.

Finally, we came to a stop in front of the closed door of Lorenzo's room. I entered it after my eye scan. As I expected his room was empty but the lights were on as I entered. I clearly remember the morning when I woke after Eros left .....

" I felt someone shaking me gently. I slowly opened my eyes, hardly adjusting to the light to see a bright Lorenzo sort beside me patiently waiting for me to get up.

I slowly brought myself into a sitting position lazily and hesitantly smiling at Lorenzo. He smiled back. I must say he has a very cute smile with dimples showing themself off proudly. I was first confused to see Lorenzo instead of Eros but then memories of last night came rushing to my mind. He's gone.

' good morning lily ' Lorenzo's sweet yet angelic voice pulled out of my thoughts. I smiled again not knowing what to do.

'' Brush your teeth then we will have breakfast in my office, is that okay with you?'' Lorenzo said calmly, to which I nodded in response. I got out of bed straight to the bathroom where I did my business and brushed my teeth with the brush Eros gave me.

Once done I felt kinda greasy in my inner thigh. I sighed and decided to clean my tights too. After being a bit relaxed I got out of the bathroom to find Lorenzo waiting for me at the door.

' shall we go ' Lorenzo asked with a gentle smile to which I gave a small smile in response.

' Wear this robe lily ' Lorenzo said and simply handed me a long coat of thin cloth that reached my feet. I wore it and looked at Renzo tying the knot of the coat which was called a robe.

He then opened the door, let me go out first, and locked the door of Eros's room from outside. He put his arm securely on my shoulder and guided me through the hallway to the stairs and then after a long walk in confusing hallways we reached a big door which he put his thumb on a screen and the door opened automatically. I was amused or maybe shocked. I followed him inside the room when the door closed automatically behind and Woah! I am impressed. His room is just so....perfect. I was awestruck at the sight in front of me. I didn't notice my mouth was open until I felt a hand slightly push my chin to close my mouth. I looked at Lorenzo smiling at me.

" I guess you like my room and from now on you're gonna live in this room do make yourself comfortable"

I sigh as I follow the lady to Lorenzo's room door. She knocked on the door, and Lorenzo opened the door giving a nod to the lady who bowed to him before leaving.

I entered the room, made my way to the bed, and sat beside Lorenzo. He gave me a small smile. I smiled back, and Lorenzo continued his work on his laptop.

I looked for the remote for the TV and found it near my pillow. Lorenzo was wearing shorts with a t-shirt and it's evening so he is off his duty early today. I gave him the remote and he looked at me and said

" You want to watch cartoons or movies "

" Mr.bean " I replied

He nodded and played Mr. Bean on lead. It's been a week since I started talking. The therapist and some medicine did a wonderful thing. I only talk with Lorenzo sometimes or maybe daily.

I have become friends with Lorenzo and when he's off duty he is a changed person. He smiles, talks, laughs and watches movies with me.

I got a good friend and he got a good room partner, his words not mine.

I watched a few more episodes until our food arrived and I was over the moon seeing our dinner. Every day I get to eat delicious food 3 times a day and many snacks to munch on.

I don't know the name of the dish today but it looks delicious. The maid served us food on two plates and left the room. It was spicy and tangy.

After that, I got a dessert to eat which was ice cream over a hot brownie. It was delicious. When I finished Lorenzo gave me some wipes to clean my hands as I am a messy eater. I was the last one to finish. The maid came again and left with utensils.

And then I resumed my cartoons and made myself comfortable in bed again. After an hour the time came that I hated the most. I had to brush my teeth

" Lily, come on, let's brush our teeth,'' Lorenzo said, getting up from the bed. He spoke calmly and gently, I must say.

I huffed and joined him in the bathroom and started to brush my teeth and then it happened that I hated brushing. I soaked my braids in the water again.


Why do we need to brush our teeth 2 times every day?

After I was done I was more than happy to sleep in this soft bed. I got inside the blanket and curled, making a mess of the blanket around myself and making myself comfortable again. When Lorenzo came back he joined me on his bed.

Then I remembered that I am still wearing jeans and a t-shirt so I stood up, went to his closet and started finding a suitable long shirt for me. I decided on a long yellow T-shirt which was way too big for me but it had a cat on it, and I paired it with a pair of boxers that belong to the one and only, Lorenzo.

I changed and came back

Lorenzo raised a brow at me and huffed while giving me a are you serious look I smiled cheekily at him and said 'your clothes are soft and they smell good '

And he always gave me a funny look and laughed. He doesn't seem like a Mafia man when he laughs so nonchalantly. Anyways I joined him in bed and he turned the lights off. I like always gripping his shirt from the back without disturbing him but he never says anything even when he notices me gripping his shirt.

I just relaxed and let peace take over me.


[ A/N ] ❀ Proofreading & Editing by @Julie_ProofEdit 

Updated on 30 October 2022

News : next chapter is written I will publish it when I got 

200 votes and 100 comments that's it 😁  it is mean I know but your votes and comment are my reward so😜

And soory for taking so long 

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