20 《Devil's Addiction 》

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Lily's P.O.V


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Eros......that's my name'

He told me his name. So I was right. His real name isn't Devil, his real name is Eros.

Eros...I don't know why but an image that came to mind after thinking about his name is snow. I don't know how my mind linked Eros with snow.

'Are you satisfied now? ' he said in a tired yet deep voice. How is his voice is always so deep?

I nodded and noticed that he seems tired. I forgot that he just came back from work. I was sitting in this room for a long time but he might have had a busy and tiring day.

Why I am making his life hell. But I can't understand one thing why he let me live with him in his room. He could have let me live with other women in his Mansion but he has me living with him.

Maybe because all of the men in his Mansion are dangerous and no one would come in his room and hurt me. But still, why would he care about me is not like I am someone special.

Ugh, it's so confusing. I can't ignore the fact that he is a very dangerous man. He could have killed me but he didn't. I just want to ignore it but my mind can't stop thinking about it.

The sound of scuffling got my attention quickly. I saw that he has stood up from the bed and has started arranging the blanket perfectly on the bed. Then he climbed into bed again and pulled me with him. He sat me on the left side and he laid down on the right side of the bed. He pulled the blanket over himself and looked at me when I didn't move.

' I am tired and I am not going to stay up with you the whole night so Lay down quietly cause I am going to lock you in the bathroom if you dared to disturb me ' He said in a flat but dangerously cold tone.

He totally scared me. I nodded quickly and laid down without making any noise. I woke up from sleep just a few minutes ago and I don't have any intention of sleeping. I am tired of just laying down on this bed but I don't want him to lock me up in the bathroom.

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