21《Devil's Addiction 》

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'I will set fire to the air which dared to kiss your skin'

Devils P.O.V


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I woke up in the middle of the night

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I woke up in the middle of the night. I opened my eyes and saw that skinny naked legs were resting on my thigh, a hand on my torso. I remembered clearly that I didn't sleep with a woman last night, so who do these naked legs belong to? I looked at my side to find a skinny tanned body beside me. The black shirt has ridden up to her waist leaving her lower body naked. Her hair was a mess. Curly and long waves were nested on the pillow.

Lily, that's her name. I never had a woman in my room. Well, she isn't a woman, she is more of a kid. A barely adult kid or more likely a teenager is in my room, lying beside me on my bed which is frustrating.

I should have put her in another room in my mansion but it was risky. I needed to keep her secure and away from everyone's reach. Sounds peachy?? NO.

She is important because she is the key to Marcus's destruction. In the mafia meeting which I will be setting up soon, she will be the living proof that Marcus is doing human experiments secretly. And that wouldn't be okay with other mafia bosses considering that he broke a mafia code by doing so.

I know that Marcus will try to kill her, but I won't let it happen. I want to see all his allies going against him. That will be one nice show for sure.

Back to the kid, she isn't very small. Instead, she is definitely taller than my whores. She has a somewhat 5.6 height compared to an average height of a girl which is around 5.4, I like girls with long legs. Those shorties may be cute to others but were kiddish to me. And I don't like fucking kids.

Back to the bed, I looked around at the clock and saw it was 3 in the morning. I don't have anything to do right now. And I know very well that I am not going back to sleep anytime soon.

I felt something tickling my neck, I moved to see what it was and found that it's her bloody long hair. I looked at her sleeping form. She is sleeping so peacefully, she's spread on the bed like she owns this bed. I removed her arm and legs from my body and also pulled her shirt down. I don't want to be tempted again because I have no urge to have a cold shower right now.

First time in my life, I had to take a cold shower. This kid is surely something else. She bends down on mher knees unknowingly giving me a full view of her naked ass. If I didn't know better I would have fucked her but she's a kid.

Lorenzo talked with the doctor. They told her that she has the mentality of a kid but she sure is in her teenage years. She will have wild hormones but she is a kid at mind and heart so she won't understand it completely.

If she wasn't our only living proof against Marcus, I would have kicked her out of my room. I don't like sharing my room.

I just closed my eyes but before I could fall asleep, my phone rang. I forgot to put it on silent. I was awake anyway so I just picked it up and saw that Dexter was calling me. I sat up from the bed and received the call while putting my phone close to my ear.

'Boss the guns are shipped. I have the guns in the basement with me. We are waiting for you in the basement '

I put the phone on the side table and picked my clothes and got ready to leave. I picked my phone up and switched off the light but turned them on, thinking about the starfish on my bed. She must be scared of the dark after all.

I left my room and of course locked the room, not wanting to find this kid sneaking in the hallways again.

I got to the basement from my private lift and met Dexter at the door of the basement. There were rows of guns on the table. I checked them myself and then ordered my men to disturb them among themselves. I stood there supervising it all as I was the boss after all, Dexter was helping in distributing guns.

After 2 hours all guns were distributed and some were stored. I was about to leave but I had to to check my casinos out as some troubles had risen by Lorenzo. I took Dexter with my left to the casino. My casino is about 4 hours away.

By the time I was finished, it was past 12 in the afternoon. I parked my car in front of my mansion. I opened the door and went straight to my room.

The lock of my room was open. Maybe Lorenzo opened my room for the servant to deliver food for Lily.

I opened my room and found my room empty which was not good. Where is she? That kid! Where did she go?

I looked around and found a guard approaching me. He bowed his head.
I looked at him with a straight face.

'Boss I was told to inform you that Mr.Lorenzo is in his office and he took Lily from your room to the medical ward for her checkups' he bowed again and left.

I was about to go into my room but I thought that I should check on that kid. I don't want to hear her screaming again because of the injections.

I made my way into the medical ward and searched for her. My men and doctors bowed when I passed by. I asked a doctor about her. They told me to check her in Dr. Kyle's office. I opened the door of his office. He wasn't there but what I saw inside made my blood boil with rage flowing in my veins.

Lily was lying unconscious on the bed, her shirt was raised up and white sheet was red beneath her and she had blood dripping from her vagina....


'My crush spend his whole day with his crush and don't even spear me a glance :( '




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