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"Everything okay? Dale said you threw up earlier?" My mom asks poking her head in Shane's tent.

"Yeah, but I'm fine now. I think my stomach was just upset..."

"Oh? Molly, I think we should have a talk." Her eyes pierce right through me and I know exactly what she's going to say, what she's getting at.

"Mom, I am not—" I try to protest but she interrupts.

"We need to get you some migraine medication."


"Oh, sweetie, I saw the way you were holding your head earlier before you came in this tent. Which by the way I am not ok with you sleeping in here with—Never mind. Your father and I are setting you up your own tent tonight." She tells me sweetly. This is the most we've spoken since we have been here and before I was shot. Maybe she's coming around? I hope.

"Mom, I—" Maybe I shouldn't argue with her on this sleeping arrangement. I could just let her think I am going to sleep in the tent they set up for me. I smile at her. "I love you, mom." But I mean it, I'm not just saying it just to say it. Her facial expression softens.

"I love you, too. I'm going to tell your dad we need to make a run into town with that Greene girl to get you some migraine pills." She tells me before kissing the top of my head and leaving the tent. I close my eyes again as another wave of nausea hits me, oh not again... When I hurriedly make my way out of the tent I bump into Shane who looks confused.

"Where are you going?" He asks but I rush past him and back into the field. "Molly?" I hear him call out for me sounding worried but I screw my eyes shut as I feel the burning come up from my throat. When I stand up straight I wipe the corners of my mouth feeling pretty gross, I am going to go get my toothbrush.

"Molly? Are you okay?" I hear Shane ask me, I turn around to see him approaching me with worry in his eyes.

"Oh... I'm okay, I think I have a migraine" I tell him, he pulls me in for a hug.

"I just got back from looking for Sophia but if you want, I can run into town and get you something?" He offers, but I don't want him going alone and my parents are already going to get me some migraine medicine.

"Thank you... it's okay though. My mom is going to get me some medicine soon" I respond and he nods his head.  "Any luck with finding Sophia?"

He shakes his head sideways at me with a saddened expression making me feel the same way. She's just a child and she's all alone out there, we have to find her, there has to be some way...

"We can't give up. Not yet."

"Maybe... There is only so long before..." His voice trails off quietly and I realize what he is getting at.

"I don't even want to think about that" I tell him folding my arms over my chest. I look over to see Maggie returning with Glenn, they must have our stuff. "I'm going to go get my toothbrush" I smile at him before making my way over to my parents tent.

I walk over to Maggie who discreetly hands me a fix of tampons, we exchange a smile at one another before I go to walk over to my parent's tent. My mom is whispering to Glenn until she glances my way and smiles at me, Glenn sees me and walks away over to Maggie leaving my mom and I alone.

"If you keep throwing up I'm going to have to find you some chicken broth to drink. Here's some toothpaste, go brush your teeth and I'll go get those migraine pills tomorrow if you're still feeling bad." She tells me and I nod my head.

When I enter the empty rv I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. After wiping my mouth I stare at my pale reflection in the mirror, when did I get so pale? Maybe I should go out into the sun more... A sigh leaves my lips. Why did I even ask Maggie to get me these? My period hadn't even come—not that it isn't going to ever come because I am sure it will. I leave the bathroom and go to the calendar to look at the days that Dale has marked off and dated on. He wrote small notes of what happened on each day, when Andrea and Amy caught fish and the camp when to hell, when we got to the CDC, when I was shot and we came here.
My heart begins to pound quickly in my chest, my period really hasn't come... What on Earth am I going to do. Should I talk to my mom about this? Who am I kidding, I can't talk to her about this... She'll flip out as well as my dad who will probably react even worse. The throwing up, my missed period that's been days and weeks late, maybe I am pregnant. The sting of tears fills my eyes but I quickly wipe them away feeling afraid and not wanting to cry right now. The one thing left to do is to ask Maggie if I can get a pregnancy test today before the sun decides to go down anymore. I leave the box of tampons under the bathroom sink before rushing out of the rv and leaving my toothbrush and toothpaste in the tent Shane and I sleep in.

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