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There are more than the herd on the road, more than the ones at the CDC, and more than I would ever care to encounter in my lifetime. My heart pounds rapidly in my chest as I watch the horrible sight of walkers before me, the growls continue and I wish they would stop.
"Oh my God. Go go go go go go go go" My dad's whispers, his is filled with panic, his eyes scream fear as do Shane's.

"What are you gonna do?" My voice barely has any sound to it at all. "We have to get to the house and tell the others..."

"We'll never get through that. Can't go around. Shane, Molly, stay close. Go!" My dad leads us to the barn before we quickly go inside of it locking the doors behind us. Shane grabs a pale of gasoline as he begins covering the barn in the liquid.

"You've got to crawl up that latter to the top of the barn, drop the lighter and set this place on fire" Shane instructs me. I don't waste any time before going up the latter and taking the lighter from him that he hands me.

"All right, here we go. Come on. Hurry. Oh shit. All right. Okay. Up there. Hurry" My dad stammers as I climb up to the top.

"What about you?" I ask Shane, worry evident in my voice that I don't try to hide.

"I'll be right here. Drop the lighter when I say. We'll stop some of them from reaching the house  and distract the others, so at least we'll have a chance."He says, I nod my head feeling sick to my stomach at the outcome of all of this. We don't know what could happen or what might go wrong. Shane gently caresses my cheek. "Hey hey hey, look at me. You can do this. Molly...I love you." I nod my head with tears in my eyes before Shane and my dad open the barn door.

"All right, go go go." My dad commands as he and Shane back away from the entering walkers. "Hey! Hey! You want some?! Come and get it! Come on! Come on! Come on! Over here! Come on,over here. Come on, over here!" He and Shane begin climbing to the top of the barn with me leaving the walkers on the ground snarling at us.

"Molly, now!" Shane shouts and I instantly drop the lighter on the walkers, they ignite in flames.

We climb to the roof of the barn making it out of the window, the RV pulls up as my dad and Shane hop onto the top of the roof. Shane extends his arm out to me as I reach my hand out to him, I quickly jump before making it to the roof of the RV with them.

"We have to find Carl and Lori" Rick informs us, I stay silent as the three of us climb off the top of the RV while Shane guns down the walkers closest to us.
I stay close to him as I watch Daryl gun down more walkers by the fence and the rest of the group shoot walkers from their cars.

"What do we do?!" I ask him, Shane takes another walker down as I stay near his side.

"We're gonna make it, okay? I'm not gonna let anything happen to you." He replies, I believe him.

I don't see Carl anywhere and it scares me, could he be with Lori?

"Where is Carl?" I ask my dad, he shoots another walker.

"I— I don't know, we need to find Carl and your mother" He looks panicked. Shane turns to face me.

"I'm going to find Carl, but I need to make sure you're safe first." He informs me.

Panic runs through me at the thought of being separated from him in a time like this. I immediately shake my head no.

"No— No— What if something happens?" My voice sounds strained and is laced in worry, Shane locks with my eyes.

"Nothing's gonna happen, we're going to make it out of here okay? All of us. Just let me take care of you first" He begs, I'm hesitant to leave his side.

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