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"Can you hand me that basket over there?" Daryl asks. My eyes flicker to the basket on the far left side of me, I grab it and hand it to him. He fills the basket with the harvested vegetables before taking his hand and wiping the dampness of his forehead. "Man, I don't know how y'all do this all day... It's hot." He mumbles.

"Normally it isn't this hot when we're harvesting. But it is pretty hot out today." I respond while grabbing a stray tomato.

"I tried keeping track of the months... I think it's August? Or September... Hell maybe we're in the beginning of October..." Daryl trails off, I shrug.

"No idea anymore. I was supposed to graduate the month after this started so... Maybe it is July."

"Really? I had no idea. I'm sorry." He responds sympathetically.

"Thanks. I don't really think about it much anymore, a lot has happened since then." I look down at the ground briefly, Daryl nods.

"No one knew the world was going to end. But we all have a fresh start here, as far as I'm concerned we're safe. Wherever this place is, it's good enough for me.  No one has seen a walker since we were all out on the farm, it's a better life here." He pauses for a moment before signing and grabbing another tomato from the ground.

"We are safe here. This place is the best thing to happen to all of us." I add.

Daryl smiles for a second before going back to his work, the two of us work in silence until I take the harvested vegetables to the area we all refer to as the kitchen. There hasn't been very much meat coming in lately but I know we all have to be very sparing with everything. The chickens have had their chicks and there are only so many roosters as well as eggs, everything takes time.  I set the basket of vegetables down before grabbing a cup of water and taking a sip.

"You look like you could use a break." Shane tells me. I look up to see him standing beside me.

"It's not so bad... I think of it as a sweat lodge." I speak trying to find some positivity in the heat of the situation. Literally.

"We could all use some ice." He sighs before taking a sip of his water.

"Just wait until December. Then we'll all be wanting the heat again." I half smile, Shane looks as if he's daydreaming of the cool weather.

"With this cave, I'm sure the air will be the perfect temperature. We can also use some firewood." He mentions. That does sound perfect. "Hey, meet me in the field tonight after everyone goes to bed. I have something to show you." My head nods and I smile up at Shane before he places a kiss on my forehead leaving the two of us to part ways in the kitchen area.
While I take the vegetables to be washed down at the small river I bump into Noah who smiles down at me happily.

"Hey, how are you? I feel like I haven't seen you in a few days." He greets in a cheerful manner.

"I'm not bad. I could be worse." My shoulders shrug. "How are you?"

"I'm trying to keep cool, the same as everyone else. I mean it's not so bad since the cave is already cool, but it could be worse. Texas heat can be pretty unbearable so I really shouldn't complain." He responds before chuckling.

"Oh, yeah! I've heard how hot it gets there. I mean, I know Georgia got hot, but I can only imagine the heat there..." I almost shudder just thinking about how hot it could be.

"That's true. Let's just be grateful we're not there." Noah sighs a deep breath. My brows raise and I nod, he's right, at least we're not in Texas...The oven state.  "I'm gonna go finish up cooking for today, I'll catch you later." He smiles as we walk by one another.

"See you later!" I call out.

The moonlight shines down on me from the wheat field seeming to cast a golden glow across the area, it's bright and inviting. The cool breeze blowing through the peak of the cave causes a few strands of my hair to brush across my face smoothly. Everyone else seems to be asleep, but during dinner Shane asked me to meet him here after everyone went to sleep. Someone gently tangles their fingers with mine from behind me, I instantly turn around already knowing who it is. A smile forms on my face when my gaze connects with his, Shane wraps his arms around my waist pulling me into him for a hug.
"What did you want to show me?" I ask quietly. I don't want to wake anyone up, not that it's very easy to do so in this spacey cave anyway. His hand tugs lightly on me causing my legs to go in the same direction as him.

"I think you're going to love this." He answers in a velvety voice. We walk down the long narrow hall until we're at the part of the cave where everyone washes the fruits and vegetables. The running creek of water that leads to the mysterious place that no one can figure out where. The secluded area of the cave is dimly lit with a couple of tiny tea candles scattered around the area. It's a beautiful glow around the small dark blue water pool that we're standing next to.

My eyes fixate on the water for a moment before I speak, "Shane it's beautiful." I whisper. My body turns around to face him, only to find him stand on one knee while he looks up at me lovingly. My hand covers my mouth while I try to process what is about to take place; I look down at his hands to see a yellow gold beaded filigree cathedral with a diamond in the center of it. The ring looks vintage, but the most beautiful kind, my eyes widen slightly when Shane begins to speak.

"Molly..." He begins. My heart starts pounding a million miles a minute. "These last few months with you have been insane. I never planned to fall in love with you, but I have. The world ended, and I almost lost you." A few tears begin spilling over my eyes as I listen to the loving speech Shane is giving me. He pauses briefly before beginning again, "I don't want to live without you. I- I can't live without you. So I'm asking you... Will you do me the honor of marrying me?" More tears spill over my eyes while my heart races erratically. I nod my head fervently at his question that I never thought I'd hear.

"Yes!" I cry out happily. Shane places the ring on my finger while standing up, his figure towering over me as I leap into his arms.
"Yes, I'll marry you!" I exclaim. My face burrows into his neck briefly before I pull away, our lips connect while he holds me tighter but careful not to hurt me. "I love you." I mumble into his lips. The connection of his tender arms around me makes me feel all the more safe and reassured that it's always going to be Shane and I forever.

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