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My eyes fly open, I chew nervously on my bottom lip while the realization of today really plays into my brain. Before anyone else wakes up, I hurry my way outside of the cave to sit on the cliff I used to. The sun slowly peers up from the pastel pink sky while I patiently try to slow my breathing. Two days ago was a nerve-wracking night, Noah made it clear that he isn't giving up, but I rejected his offer in the kindest way I could, he has since been distant again which I can't exactly complain over. What could ruin today? Today will be perfect.

I scurry back to the cave and get dressed for the day before I head to the dining hall before anyone else arrives. First I began making breakfast for the others while cleaning the kitchen area up, and then when people began to make their way into the kitchen I watched them self-serve the eggs and bread loaf slices onto their plates, Rick being one of the first. I am too anxious to have any thought to eat myself—My knee bounces while I fidget my fingers.

"Have you had any water lately? The doctor said you're supposed to be drinking more than you do." I remind him.

"I remember, it's one job. I'm as healthy as a horse, Molly." Rick had decided to work harder than usual, but slacked on drinking water recently. Someone should remind him, Lori wouldn't but if she did he's quite stubborn.

"You also have to be appropriately dressed for the wedding."

Rick scoffs and continues eating his eggs and toast.

"Yeah, yeah." He mumbles.

My eyes flicker to the entrance of the room when I see a already peppy and seemingly caffeinated Beth. She looks as if she's been up for hours, rosy cheeks, bright eyes. I stand up to kiss the top of Rick's head as I pass him, and then continue to make my way to Beth, my friend and bridesmaid in a few hours.
Beth's blonde hair isn't down and curled like it normally is—it smooth and silky in a bouncer ponytail around her diamond face which had a happy professional-like expression to it. She tugs on my arm while calling over her shoulder to greet Rick while trotting down the hallway with me.

"Oh my gosh, you look exhausted!" She whines, "Did you not sleep at all?"

"I had some trouble." I admit.

Beth groans. "We only have a certain amount of time to glam you, Molly— You're lucky I've saved all of mine and Maggie's makeup."

"You packed all of that when the ranch was burning?"

"No..." Her eyes glance around. "I just figured we'd be leaving it eventually. Now sit still, I've got to blend your foundation." She instructs, I giggle.

"Okay, I'll do my best." I say.

"At least you'll have plenty of time to sleep tomorrow night..."
I look up at her without moving my head. Tomorrow night... I am sure she's only kidding, there is no way Shane and I can have sex for that long. Right? I mean... Is that even possible?

"Have you seen Shane yet?" I ask.

"Don't worry, he'll be there before you start walking down the isle." She jokes, I laugh. "Hold still, I need to contour your cheekbones with this powder but I can't if you have any expression." I try to keep my face as sullen as possible so Beth can finish making my face the canvas of her dreams.

Maggie suddenly waltzes in the room in a casual peach dress that she makes look iconic. Her emerald eyes seeming to light up the room, her brown hair is in her usual soft perfect waves. She's stunning.

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