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My eyes trace his bronzed skin, the bright pink of his lips, his messy raven hair, and the sound of the light snores coming from his lips. A few spread out kisses against his chest, Shane slowly opens his eyes but pulls my nude body onto his chest making me smile.
"Mmm..." He groans sleepily, I make an attempt to get up. I'm starving and I'm sure he is, too.       "Stay." He mumbles. I lean back into him upon his request while the tips of mg fingers draw circles on his chest.
             "I'm hungry." I let out a small whimper.

"Okay, we will get something to eat. I can't having you starving on me, can I?" He responds kissing my forehead.

We hurry and get dressed together, thankfully I have a few clothes scattered in here from the nights I would sneak to Shane's bedroom—not that we actually had to sneak anymore, we stopped caring about what people thought about us a long time ago. I follow Shane down the hallway, hand in hand suddenly feeling a large burst of happiness in me; I am Mrs.Walsh. My body leans into his side while we walk, a happy smile forming on my lips.

"You look like you've slept with a coat hanger in your mouth." Beth teases, I grab a apple and put it on my plate as well as some eggs and toast.

"Shut up." I playfully reply, she smiles.

"How does it feel to be a Mrs now?" Her voice sounds almost like a chirping bird. I smile while joining Shane at the table, Beth sits across from us happily.
"It's perfect."

"What's perfect?" Shane asks. He takes a bite of his food looking curiously at me.

"Molly's food." Daryl interrupts taking a seat on Shane's side, I stifle a laugh. "Morning, newlyweds."

"Good morning!" I greet cheerfully, Daryl gives me a knowing expression and tries not to laugh. It's no secret what most newlyweds do on their wedding night, we certainly didn't play Monopoly all night. How am I not exhausted? I take a bite of my eggs while running my fingers through the beachy waves I call my hair.

"Someone's in a good mood." Alec teases walking by us, his British accent strongly coming out. Alec works more so with growing the vegetables with Shane, but I've seen him around and at the ceremony.

"Can't I just be happy?" I poke while taking another bite of my food.

"Nope." Alec pops the P sound, taking a seat beside Beth, her cheeks turn pink while she fluffs her hair. "There always has to be a reason for someone to be happy."

"Are you sure about that?" Shane debates.

"Positive. I've never just been happy just to be happy. Either it was payday at work, I got a raise, or I kicked my ex out of my apartment when I walked in on her with my best mate." He shrugs casually before taking a sip of his drink, my nose finds the familiar coffee smell. Is it?! Could it be? Okay, no way. Not possible.
"What about you, blondie?" He turns to Beth whose eyes widen, a nervous smile forming across her beautiful face. "You ever been happy for no reason?"

"Oh... Uh... No?" It sounds like she's answering with a question, not a statement. Alec smirks taking another sip of his drink, I eye the cup carefully,

"So you agree with me then, yeah?" Beth quickly nods; I am by no means an expert in relationships or dating, but I can tell when a girl has a crush on a guy. He then winks at her causing her cheeks to turn shell pink, but against her alabaster skin it looks much brighter.
"I gotta go!" Beth exclaims, her slender body hurries from the table and out of the room, Alec looks around in confusion.

"What it somethin' I said?"

"No," I lie covering for Beth's nervousness. "She just gets like that sometimes." My smile must seem convincing enough, because Alec nods and let's go of the conversation drifting it elsewhere with Shane about the weather. My fork meets my mouth again while I continue to finish my breakfast, I stand up with my plate placing a kiss on Shane's cheek; maybe it's the early morning or maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me but I could swear I saw his cheeks turn a light pink.
Shane follows me shortly after to wash our dishes in the communal area with everyone else. Our fingers soon tangle while we walk down the hallway together, "I'm going to go shower..." I tell him, Shane nods. "I could join you." His offer makes me smile.

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