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  My voice rings out while I continue singing, the echo of the soprano notes hitting the walls of the cave adding a nice sound around me. My fingers run through my hair smoothly while I finish washing up in the small showering area, Beth sings the next lyrics while we both harmonize together.

"Oh, Ophelia, you've been on my mind girl like a drug. Oh, Ophelia, heaven help a fool who falls in love." Our unison voices come to an end, we share a laugh while I get dressed to meet Beth on the other side of the wall. She's wearing a pastel yellow top that compliments her eyes, the golden wet hair clinging to the fabric.

"I gotta go help Daryl with the cooking tonight, meet you later?" She proceeds to ring out her hair, I nod with a smile.

"Sure, that's fine." I tell her.

I hold the old clothes I had on in my arms while Beth walks away leaving it just myself in the watery part of the cave. The water seems to have a glow to it tonight; I stare out at it while enjoying the quietness around me. There are no voices nearby, just a soft hush.
But it's the sound of soft footsteps from behind me that cause me to turn around. The tall slender figure, the green glassy eyes stare right through me, I watch standing still as Noah walks toward me, my voice has suddenly vanished.

"You are going to listen to me." He sounds so desperate and weak, but his eyes look more upset than anything.


"Shut up." His weakened voice begs.

The feeling of my heart hitting my chest causes my breathing to quicken. What is he going to say? Or do? I can't move my legs, I've never seen him this way before and there isn't anyone else around. Noah runs his hand through his matted hair, he takes a swig from the bottle in his other before taking a step closer to me, I can smell the alcohol clear on his breath. His green eyes glance down to my lips while his free hand gently caresses my cheek, I stiffen.

"You married him to spite me didn't you? As if this world hasn't tormented me enough. My dad was the only one who stayed; Tara left, she didn't care. But then I met you." He pauses, taking another swig from the bottle.

"I knew you were hurting, and I knew you loved someone else. But I wanted to fix you, I wanted to make the pain go away for you. You knew exactly what you were doing each time you cried into my chest, and that smile..." He shakes his head while his lips turn upward briefly, like he is remembering the same smile he's talking about. "Your damned smile. You've made me fall in love with you. But you broke my heart when you married him, and now I realize you aren't going to leave him. I can't handle seeing you with him! Molly, I love you!" He shouts.

The darkness in his voice comes back, while pain stays put in his eyes. The hopeless expression returns, he looks like he hasn't slept in days.

"Noah...Please... Just calm down, we can talk." I try to reason with him.

My voice is barely even audible, I can't speak. He caresses my cheek again, I close my eyes unsure of what is going to happen next or why everything is so eerily quiet.

"I love you, Molly." His voice breaks. I hear him take another drink of the bottle before my eyes open again. "And if you can't love me back, then I'll just have to make you."

My heart seems to stop at his words while the tightness in my chest leaves, I take a gasp of air as my legs become unfrozen from the imaginary cement.
I quickly try to run but Noah pulls my arm back roughly causing me to fall to the floor hitting my head. I cry out in pain, but he takes the opportunity to straddle me.

"I love you!" He shouts angrily as he pins me to the ground.

"Shane!" I scream. "Help! Someone help!"

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