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"No, I have no idea what's going on. That's why I'm calling you to make sure he's alright. It's Rick Grimes. G-R-I-M-E-S." The sound of Shane's voice awakens me as I sit up from the couch feeling well rested.

As I run my fingers through my long hair I look over to see Shane sitting at the table in the kitchen talking on the phone to someone. He looks frustrated and worried. As our eyes meet I can tell he forces a smile but I don't buy it, something is going on. I get up from the couch to get my phone from my purse, I see fifteen missed calls from my mom—I quickly call her back.

"Hey, mom, what's going on?"

"Molly, where are you?!" She sounds very worried.

"I told you, I'm at Vikki's. What's going on?" I ask as worry in my voice seeps through. She's never called me sounding so freaked out before.

"Stay inside the house, don't go out anywhere! The news announced some kind of violent outbreak sickness. I'll come get you when I know it's safe but I know you're safe over there with her and her mother." She primes. My heart beat quickens as anxiety fills me, what is she talking about, what outbreak?

"What exactly do you mean?" I bite down on my bottom lip and begin chewing it out of a nervous habit.

"It's all over the news. But don't watch it, I know it will just heighten your anxiety if you do. Just promise me you'll stay inside." She sounds urgent.

"I promise."

A sigh leaves her lips. "I love you, Molly. I have to go, I'm going to call the hospital and see if there's any news about your dad."

"I love you too, mom." Our phone call ends and I set my phone down and go to meet Shane who's still sitting at the table with his hands in his face. He hears me coming as he lifts his head up to look at me, I can tell he's trying to hide whatever it is he's worried about.

"I just talked to my mom on the phone. She said there's some kind of outbreak? What's going on?" I ask, I'm sure this is what he must be so stressed out about, why he was so determined to make sure my dad was okay. Shane let's out a heavy sigh.

"Yeah, it was all over the news when I woke up this morning. Apparently they're asking people to stay inside at all costs, I don't know what's going on..." He seems worried which I can't say I blame him.

I place my hand on top of his as it rests on the table. Shane looks up at me and seems to relax a little more.
Maybe I should be freaking out, maybe I should be stressed out too, but I want to stay calm for him. Our eyes stay fixated on one another for a moment before I break our eye contact by sitting across from Shane at the table.

"It's going to be okay." My voice comes out calmly as I give him a reassuring expression.

"Thank you." He lets out a breath before giving my hand a gentle squeeze. "Are you hungry? I can make you something if you'd like."

"Surprise me." I'm curious to see what he's going to make. Shane chuckles as he gets up from the table.

"I can do that." He grins.

I get up from the table as well. He begins opening the fridge and grabbing various cooking items from the cupboard.

"How did you sleep last night?" He asks me as I hear the stove turn on, I smile to myself.

"Perfect. You're really comfortable to sleep against it turns out." A soft chuckle comes from Shane's direction as the sound fills my ears.

"You're really good to sleep next to." He trifles.

I feel my cheeks warming up. Maybe he's reconsidering all of this between us—Maybe he's thinking about giving whatever this is a shot. I mean, we did make out for a while last night.

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