Chapter 2

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Bella's POV

"Alright boys, let's line it up" Jay Announced to the fencing team "Carlos, you're with me"

The girls and I stood on the balcony, I leaned over and watched Carlos take his place. He was absolutely amazing. He stood with pride and held out his sword.


The boy's swords went down.


They brought their swords to their mask

"Lower the point, mask down, on guard"

And they started. The boys were fighting each other and bouncing all over the place. It was very hard to keep track of who was fighting who. You couldn't see their faces and everyone was built the same due to working out so it was hard to tell. Then all of a sudden, someone came jumping in and started to fight Jay. It was an amazing fight. I've never seen someone so good, who was this person? This person managed to take Jay's sword away, and when he got it back he stopped. And off came the fighter's mask.

"It's Lonnie," I said proudly

The girls and I cheered and clapped for her. She also gained cheers from members of the team. Jay sent her a small smirk and nodded his head. 

"Way to go Lonnie!" Jane yelled

"Not bad" Jay smiled

"You should put me on the team," Lonnie said moving her hair out of her face

Chad came running over, "wait what? No, no, no. Will be the laughingstock of the league. And what's going to happen next will have girls playing tourney?" Chad joked "come on guys"

This guy makes my blood boil, he is aware of who her mother is right?

"So?" Jay asked clearly not understanding the sexist words coming out of Chad's mouth

"So? Have you not read the rule book? Section 2 paragraph 3, 11-4." Chad stated " A team will be comprised of a Captain and eight men"

He flashed the book in everyone's face. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah but your down a man with Ben off doing his King stuff," Lonnie pointed out

"Exactly, were down a man," Chad said

"She has a point though" I commented from above "she's the best chance you have"

"No one asked you, Beast." Chad spat

Carlos got up from his seat, "don't you talk to her like that." He growled Stepping closer to Chad.

Jay got between Chad and Carlos and looked at Lonnie with apologetic eyes.

"Jay," she said pleading

"I'm sorry, coach trust me. I'm not gonna stay captain if I throw out the rule book," he said

"If my mother thought that way, she would have lost the war." She glared before leaving

Chad was flashing the rule book behind her back, what an ass. I actually hate him.

"Alright guys, practice is over" Jay announced "let's go"

Everyone was leaving but before I could turn around Carlos called out to me. I got closer to the edge of the balcony, leaned on the rail, and smiled down at him.

"Hey babe, good job out there" I smiled

"Thank you" he smiled wide

Dude came running up and sat on top of a training block.

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