Chapter 8

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Third person POV

It was almost noon and King Ben was tied to a pole awaiting for his lover, his sister and his friends. Harry Hook was loving every moment of action he could get because he knew that the king was slowly growing anxious. He laughed evilly and jumped in front of Ben, bringing his hook up to Ben's chin.

"Gucci Gucci goo!" Harry laughed with a wild look in his eyes "how's it feel to be the king now eh?"

Ben stood in silence awaiting for Mal. "Don't do anything you'll regret" he thought to himself. Harry was so close to tormenting the poor king but Uma easily made him stop.

"Give it a rest Harry, give it a rest!" Uma said "we don't want damaged goods"

Uma sat in front of Ben, eyeing him. He seemed nothing like his sister, he seemed too perfect and someone who wanted to remain that way while Bella pointed out her flaws and acknowledged that she was different. But her flaws only made her want to improve more and made her even more understanding than Ben. In Uma's opinion Bella should've been Queen, she respected Bella more.

"You said that I could hook him!" Harry growled

"I said! At noon" Uma said "Plus, think of Bella"

Harry and Ben looked at each other, Ben having no idea what Uma was referring too but he knew that it meant something to Harry because he hopped down from the ropes he was hanging off of. He pulled out his pocket watch and looked at the time with wide eyes. As if he could actually read time.

"20 more minutes" Harry said

Ben looked at the watch than back at Harry.

"That says 11:30" Ben stated

Harry looked at him unamused causing Uma to smirk.

"You better hope that your girlfriend comes through.." Uma said

Harry hummed in agreement. Ben shook his head. Feeling as if he lost so much. He was losing hope.

"She's not my girlfriend anymore" he said

Uma tilted her head. She thought to herself, maybe they'll leave him. But she knew that Bella would pull through for sure. After knowing her for such a short time Uma  Uma eyed Ben as Harry started to laugh.

"Leave us alone Harry" she demanded

Harry walked up to Ben and got really close to his face.

"19 minutes to go now" He said

"Go" Uma said

Harry placed his hand on Ben's chest, grabbed his shoulder and walked away. Uma looked at Ben with a stern look.

"I get that you don't deserve this" Ben started making Uma laugh.

"This...This island is the prison thanks to your farther. And don't pretend to look after me. Because no one is looking out for me. It's just me." Uma said before moving her hair from her face.

"So this isn't your mom's plan?" Ben asked

Uma snickered, "isn't that her necklace?" Ben asked

"My mom doesn't care about me, well not unless she needs someone for the night shift." Uma said

"Ouch" Ben said

"I don't need your pity"

"No you certainly don't" Ben said while looking around her ship "you're very resourceful. I don't see you tied up"

It seemed as if Ben was trying to joke around with Uma but he was never good at telling jokes. Uma rose from her seat and got closer to Ben's face.

"Alright. So let's trash talk Mal." She said

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