Chapter 17

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Bella's POV

Uma laughed as everyone watched her splashing in the water. I clung onto the boat's railing tightly as I was feeling a mixture of anger and shock, as I was not expecting Uma to become a full on octopus  and I was upset that she would even try to mess with my brother and Mal. I understand that she wants the barrier down but this is not the way, if anything she was making the matter worse. 

"True loves kiss won't defeat this! The world will know my name!" Uma shouted

"The world will know your name for all the wrong reasons!" I shouted

Uma glared at me and with all of her might, she twisted her body and threw her tentacle at the boat. Carlos grabs my shoulder and pulls me down with him ducking. Screams erupted from the crowed. As Uma pulls away, we all gather again. Only for her to unleash her anger again on the other side of the boat. Everyone ducked again, I watched Mal as she marched over to the end of the boat and started to breath heavily. Her eyes turned green and she was huffing in anger. I heard Uma laughing, I turned to look at her and seen that she was provoking now. I stood beside my brother as he inched towards Mal.

"Mal?" Ben asked

Mal looked at Ben and started to look like she was going to faint. I looked at Mal full of worry as purple smoke started to cover her. Mal tilled her head back and welcomed in the smoke.

"Mal!" I shouted about to run towards her

"Bella!" Carlos yelled grabbing a hold of me

I watched Mal screaming her name as Carlos and Jay held me back. I heard a roar and when the purple smoke disappeared, causing me to stop struggling in the boys grip and to stand completely still in shock. Mal was a dragon. The boys let go of me in shock and my mouth dropped. This makes so much sense now!! As Mal flew over Uma everyone ran back to the railing. Uma took one look at Mal and started to laugh.

Third person POV

The tense in the air was rising as every guest and worker looked over the railing either into the sky or water. No one was sure of what was going to happen. Everyone was scared. Carlos held Bella's hand tightly, fearing that she would jump over and try to help. Bella was scared for both Mal and Uma. She didn't want anyone to get hurt, and even if she was mad at Uma her forgiving side took over and understood that Uma was just misunderstood.

Mal let out a loud roar and spit fire at Uma, just like her mother did with prince Phillip all those years ago. Uma backs away and throws her tentacle in the air, trying to hit Mal.

"Come on Mal!" Uma yelled "Let's finish this once and for all"

Mal let out a roar thinking, "no one hurts the people I love"

Mal flew close to the water releasing the most fire she could. Uma gasps as it burned her skin, falling back into the water she glared at the dragon before her. Tentacles and fire flew back and forth from one another. But Princess Bella and King Ben did not want this fight to go any further. Uma came up from the water and sent a huge wave towards the boat.

"Watch out!" Ben yelled and everyone flew back from the impact

Bella looked down at her dress and let out a huff  as she was finding a hard time moving around. She picked up her dress and marched over to Fairy Godmother.

"Please help me fix this" Bella begged "I need to go to the girls"

"Bella, that isn't-" Fairy Godmother started to protest

"Godmother please!" Bella pleaded letting go of her dress "help me save my people" 

Fairy Godmother looked around quickly but nodded her head, if anyone was going to fix this problem it would be Bella. Fairy Godmother gave her a small smile and pulled out her wand.

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