Chapter 7

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Bella's POV 

Mal helped me go back to their hideout. She kept a grip on my arm as if she was scared I was going to disappear again. When I am fully capable of walking myself without support. 

"Mal I'm okay now" I said "really you can let go" 

"No way! Do you know how unsafe it was for you two to come here." She barked at me

"And you know how selfish it was for you to leave!" I yelled back "I'm sorry Mal but nobody is perfect! We all have flaws. Just because you feel as if you don't belong doesn't mean you had to leave. My brother cares so much about you and you just write a stupid note and leave. Mal you are unbelievable. The world doesn't revolve around your feelings! That's just life. You got to deal with them. You can't just run away. And you're stupid to think that Ben wouldn't run after you. He's obsessed with everything you are!" 

I started panting because I became out of breath with all the yelling. Mal looked at me in shock. I kind of felt bad about yelling at her but she needed to hear it. Mal let go of my arm and looked at the ground.

"I'm sorry Mal but you needed to hear it" I apologized 

"I know. I just didn't think you'd be the one telling me" she stated 

I started to giggle. "Neither did I" 

Mal sent me a smile and pulled me into a hug. 

"Thank you" She said "I really did need to hear that" 

"Of course, now lets go back to the others." 

We walked to the hideout and went up the stairs. Mal was first to enter followed by me. It wasn't long until I heard my name being yelled and being tackled in hugs by Evie and Jay. I let out a laugh and hugged them back.

"It's nice to see you too!" I smiled "Who knew that I'd be missed so much" 

"What happened to your face?" Evie gasped 

As soon as she said that Carlos pushed her aside and pulled me into a very strong hug. 

"Carlos...I.can't...breathe" I let out 

He quickly let go and he placed his thumb on my slightly damaged face. It really wasn't that bad but I know out of all people Carlos is going to over react the most.

"Bella...what happened?!" He exclaimed 

"Harry happened" Mal growled 

" I knew it!" Carlos yelled 

"It actually wasn't Harry" I said "I already told the story once..."

I was cut off by everyone His eyes went dark and his hands became fist. I've never seen him like this before. I grabbed his face and forced him to pay attention to me before he breaks something. 

"Carlos look at me. I'm okay. Please don't worry about me." I said "It is extremally tiny, looks as if its dirt. Truly not a big deal" 

His eyes instantly went normal and he smiled softly. 

"I'm so sorry. It's all my fault" he cried out

"No it's not. I should've listened to you, but please do not blame Harry. He was almost as mad as you just were when that happened" I said 

"I believe you" Carlos smiled kissing my forehead. "You're with me now and I won't let you out of my sight ever again" 

I shook my head and laughed, what a goofball. I turned my attention to Mal and gave her a questioning look. 

"So what's at noon?" I asked "and why did you get me back but not Ben?" 

"That I'm not sure but in order to get Ben back we need to give Uma the Wand." Mal said 

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