Chapter 12

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" Baby are you crazy! "
" well I guess I am. But please babe I need to see the horses"
" well I know but the doctors said 4-5 months. So not until they say it's okay. Sorry baby"

The drive home after that was very silent after that. I sat right next to Patrick with my head on his shoulder and his hand around me.

As I softly drift asleep, the truck stops...
I wake up and I realize he did take me home. This sudden feeling of nervousness and fear fill me.

Patrick takes my hand and says follow me.

He takes me down this long dirt road path. We get to a spot under a big oak tree. We waited for the sun to set and we laid there looking up at the stars in the night sky. With my head on his chest him playing with my hair. Before you know it I'm falling asleep.

~ The next morning~
I wake up to birds singing and Patrick looking at me just waiting for me to wake up.
" Did we really stay out here all night?" I ask
" Yeah, sure did around 12 you fell asleep, so I didn't want to wake you up" said Patrick.
" oh okay, that's fine."
We lay there for a little while and Patrick realize that he is late for work. We quickly walk back to the truck. Well because I can't really run or do anything so we walk but it's a quick walk. Quicker than it was last night.
He calls in boss and say
" Sir I'm sorry for not showing up on time. Emily got out the the hospital last night and I took her out and i lost track of time. I'm very sorry I'm on my way now."
" Patrick calm down, nothing to worry about. I understand I didn't call you because I figured you would be with Emily. You don't have to come in today, heck take as long as you need. Emily needs you." His boss said.
" But sir, "
" Ain't no buts about it now you take care of that young lady. Tell her I said get well soon and that she is in my prayers."
" well thank you sir. It means a lot. Thank you so much! Will do"

A/N~ What do you think is going to happen next? Weill Emily see the horses? Will she never be able to ride again? Find out, in the next chapter.

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