Chapter 19

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Once all my things were loaded onto Patrick's truck we left.

      Unloading my things I ran across a few old show pictures. It remind me of all the good times with Patrick and everyone from the association. Once I thought about it I never did let anyone know how I was or if they could come see me. I think they are starting to think I'm a hermit. Gosh I'm such a great person to keep up with ain't i. I say to my self.

  Later that night I decided to explain to Patrick about what happened earlier that day.
" Patrick, can we talk?" I ask walking down to sit next to him
" Yes, Babe what is it." 
" Well I don't want you to hurt anyone."
" Why would I hurt somebody? " Patrick asked and starts to tense up
" Okay, so you know how Austin was at my parents today, yeah so before you came over I was working with Ozzie."
" Okay what dose this have to do with me wanting to hurt someone?" Patrick asks
" Just wait.... Well Austin kissed me." I say.
" He did what! Where does this prick live! I'm going to kill him! " Patrick yells
" Patrick please don't I don't want you to do anything. I took care of it."
" Emily, No where dose this prick live?! I need to talk to him."
" Promise to just talk?" I ask scared
" Em I promise." He replied in a soft way
" Okay fine, 1359 Dennings Rd. "
" I'll be back! " Patrick says grading his keys and walking out the door.

I never thought he would react so quickly. It's like I told him and than he was gone.
It was about midnight when Patrick got home.
" Thank goodness your home, I've been worried sick!" I raise my voice a little.
" I know you have , but Emily nothing is going to happen. He won't do anything to you anymore.... I knocked some sense into him."
" How bad did you hurt him? I mean you don't look to bad." I ask in a conceding manner
" Baby, let's just not worry about it and let's go to get."

As Patrick picks me up and lifts me off my feet carrying me up the stairs over his shoulder. My phone vibrates, Patrick grads it out of my sweatpants pocket.

It's from Anna. She said that her and Dylan broke up. She also said she is on the way over now.

A few hours later Anna walks in the door dropping her bags running over to me crying.

A/N- Really hate to leave it like this but I haven't updated in like a month or 2. So hope tall like it so far! Thanks for everything!!! Love yall❤️

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