Chapter 15

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Well I mean the service was great but the whole time we had troubles paying attention to Paster Moon.
After Church one of our church members asked us out to lunch. We declined in decent matter.
Once we get home from Church the boys make lunch. Anna and I clean up around the house.... I mean it is a little dirty.
*ring *ring
" Patrick baby can you answer!" I yell down to him from up stairs.
" Yeah, I got it." He yells back up the stairs.
" Hello."
" Yes, Hello. Is Emily there?" The person on the phone asks
" Yes but she's busy right now, can I take a message? "
" You sure can. Can you tell her that the Dr. Gonzalez came out and looked at Ozzie and that she needs to call me as soon as she can?"
" Yes sir sure can. May I ask your name again?"
" Ifs Dr.Gonzalez. "
" Thank you."
*Click. The call was ended.
Later that day Patrick remembers the phone call.
" Emily sweetie, You need to call Dr.Gonzalez. He says he need to talk to you as soon as you can. That was who called early sorry I just remembered. "
" Yes Patrick I will.
*ring *ring * ring
" Hello?"
" Dr. Gonzalez, this is Emily. I got your message."
" Oh yes Emily. Have you been to see Ozzie lately?" He asks
" No I haven't, the doctor says I can't ride for the rest of my life... "
| a long pause went throw the conversation.
" Well that's fine you don't need to ride, but I think you should go see him."Dr. Gonzalez says.
" But Dr. I can't even look him in the eyes."
" Well Emily, I get it but you need to see him."
" Okay but is everything okay?"
" Well.. He is become anti social and he needs help from someone who knows him and can help, also someone who's loves him."
Starts sodding*
" Okay thank you Dr. I'll get over there now. "
" Okay Emily, any other problems come up you call me as soon as you recognize them.
" Will do thank you."
* Click.
A/N: Sorry it's been so long from updating.... Whattpad just doesn't like me😂. But anywhoooo hope you like the book. Hate to leave it like this but I'm going to.

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