Chapter 16

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*bang * bang
You can hear Ozzie in the stall as he gets worse and worse.
Finding him in the stall looking like crap. His mane is to his shoulders. For top is covering his eyes all most past his nose. Feathers are all broken off in some sports and some are way to long. Tail dragging the ground stepping all over it. Needs clipping terribly bad. I mean he should look like this after 4 months. I guess it's all the stress he's put him self through.

My mind tells me to lead him out of the stall and into the ring but my gut tells me to open the stall door and just let him on his way to the ring. So I follow my gut, blocking off the ways I don't want him to go so he follows to way to the ring. As he reaches the ring he bolts through the gate. Galloping around luckily I got there in time so I could lose the gate. It was just seconds that he had an attack that he was going to be hurt so he reared kicked out and tried everything to scare me. Well nothing worked so he gave in and stopped his fit he was having and calmed down.

I step into the ring, knowing that it wasn't the best idea to do that but I did it anyways. I let Ozzie run and prance around the ring and than I turned my back towards him. Before you know it he's coming up to my back I don't more I just let him walk up to he. Turning around very slowly was not so smart he jumped and turned and ran around a few more laps.

Knowing that I would make no progress doing this I went to the fence and sat on top of it. Waiting patiently, Ozzie finally understand that I had no intention of hurting him. He walked up very slowly still unsure but willing walked towards me. I laid out a hand so he could trust me. Once he came over to me I started talking to him. Letting him know that everything was going to be okay.

It took everything I had to step into the ring once again. This time he only flinched. Soon to realize that he needs a major spa day, but besides that you can still see the fear and regret in his eyes.

I spoke to him and calm,soft, loving voice.
" Ozzie, it's going to be okay. Boy trust me none of it was your fault. You don't need to feel bad about anything. I love you big man." I think to my self... Wow never thought I'd say I love you big man again. I kinda thought my mom was going to sell him, but I guess Patrick told her to to other wise.

Cuddling with Ozzie bring back all the great long trail rides we had early in the mornings. I just want to ride and be back to the way I was before.

Not realizing that Chase was watching the whole time. He calls out and says
" Looking good Emily! You'll get back in the saddle some day."
" Thanks Chase, I sure hope so."
I got to admit chase was pretty cute. Tall about 5'11" blond hair and very athletic and rides. I did have a crush on him when we were little. I had our hole future planned out, Him and I wee going to grow up date, marry, have kids , and grow old together. Yeah ha, nope that dream was crushed when middle school hit. Middle school was when I meant Patrick. He was about 5'2" in sixth grade. Fell in love with him once I saw him. But now we are in high school and it's been 5 years with him. Now he's about 6'1" and I'm like 5'2" the real struggle of having a tall boyfriend.

But anyways back to reality.
My mom comes out and says
" Emily Taylor, I think that's enough for today. Let him back in his stalk and feed him."
" But mom, I don't want him in his stall."
" okay fine. Leave him in the ring but you better feed him."
" yes mom. I will"

A/N: It's all most 12am and I'm updating... I guess my thoughts have gotten to me and I just can't sleep anymore. But I hope you like the book so far😉

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