Chapter 4

45 4 3

The sound of horses kicking the stall doors wake us up. The morning seams to fly by. After feeding mucking out and checking if the horses needed to be bathed aging. Patrick and I decide to go get in the showers.


First show of the morning. Youth decorating class. Like all ways, placings are the same. First place me, Second place Patrick, Third place Rebecca, Forth place Kylie, Fifth place Kyle.


Second class for us is youth halter.

The runs go well until it's Hopes turn her horse rears and kicks out. Hope gets her horse back under control and shows like nothing ever happened.

Placings go like this

First Rebecca, Second Me, Third Patrick, Forth Olivia, Fifth Shannon, Sixth Gage, Seventh Kylie, Eighth Kyle,

Ninth Hope.


The rest of the classes seam to go bye really slowly. Ozzie places in Gelding class in 3rd. Out of 27 other Geldings.

Geb places 2nd in his Stallion class. Out of 10 other Stallions.

Jet places 1st in her foal class. Out out 4 other foals.

Holly places 3rd in her aged Mare class. Out of 14 other Mares.

Sands places 4th out of 27. In his gelding class.


After lunch brake it's hitching time.

Eight hitch is first. Everyone is in a rush to get harnessed and dressed for classes. Hitching is the easy part, driving them is not so easy, placing well is even harder.

The class is a mad house, we have horses rearing and refusing to back and not coming together as a team. When we switch directions the photographer has her flash on and it spooks one of the horses witch spooks the rest of them. So we have horses trying to rear and some trying to get away. And than it gets quite.

A/N ~ Sorry for leaving it like this but I have not had time to update because of school and just some personal things.

Thanks so much for not giving up on me and thanks for reading!!!!

Hope you like it.

Don't forget I have a plan for the book. It's boring now but just wait, I promise.

Hope y'all like it. And don't forget this month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month so wear your pink! 🎀

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