Chapter 21

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I figured that I need to go back to my parents to see oz again.

"Baby, I need to go see oz now." I say
" Em, no! You can't ride."
" Patrick I don't care! I need to go."
We argue for a while until he gets an attitude and just takes me over. He stays with me just incase Austin decides to show me a visit.

Patrick's prov.

Gosh she sure is lucky I love her. I think to my self.
Em pulls out Oz, he rears knocking her on her butt. He bolts off, thank gosh the gates are up so he just runs to the ring.
"Dam it Em, are you okay"?
"I'm fine, can you just go get me an ice pack from the house and meet me in the arena? Thanks baby".

I knew it was a bad idea to bring her here. I had a feeling something like this was going to happen,but whatever I'd do anything for her.

"Oh, hi Patrick! What are you doing here"? Ems mom asks
" Emily asked me to bring her over to work with oz and well he reared and throw her down and hit her head. She asked me to come get he an ice pack". I explain to Mrs. Jackie
" Oh, wow okay. Take care of her Pat. I know you are a great boy I just don't want anything worse to happen to my little girl". Mrs. Jackie states
" Yes ma'am I won't".

I spot a different truck as I walk out to the arena. Who's is that, than it clicks! It's Austin's oh that kid has it coming for him. I don't say anything until I see him flirting with Em again. I walk up and say " Here you go baby". And kiss her. Austin walks away attending too the barn work.

About 20 minutes into Emily trying to get Oz to just come to her she turns he back and starts walking towards me.
"Emily. Stop walking".
"Why? It's not like this is working"!
"Emily stop walking and wait".
I could see but she couldn't that he was following her.

Oz nudges her in the arm. She spins around and pats him on the neck.

Em outs the lunge line on and lunges him a little.  I guess she figured that was enough progress for today. She leg him back into the barn. Put him in cross ties and got the clippers out.

"Babe, I'm going to try to Clip him a little, so you might want to watch out". Emily says
"Okay baby".

It didn't turn out so bad. She managed to get his face, ears, and bridle path.

I asked if she felt good enough to go out tonight. She said she feels fine but would like to go home and freshen up. I told her to dress nice, we are going out somewhere really nice. At 8, she walked down the steps in a red dress and 2 inch heals. She grabbed her north face and asked "what? You said to dress nice". She explains
"Yes, I did. You look beautiful". As I kiss her forehead
" Well you look handsome yourself".
I wore a dress shirt and black slacks.

We got home around 11.
"Baby thanks for taking me out tonight. I love you". As she says crawling into bed curling up next to me
" You're welcome babe. You needed it. I love you too. Good night beautiful".
Witch wasn't worth saying because she already fell asleep but to me it was worth it.

A/N: Hoped you liked Patrick's Point of view the whole time! Have a great one!!! I love you 

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