Chapter 18

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Once Austin kissed me that morning he wouldn't leave me alone. It's like I had a puppy following my every move though out the whole day. Every place I went he followed.
About noon I went to go work with Ozzie more because of what Austin did this morning. Looks like I gotta get his trust back again.

It seamed like oz would not even look at me anymore. Once I realized what was nothing him I looked at Austin.
" Austin get out of here. I need time with oz and your just scaring him. Go on a ride or something just get out of here please." I demand and ask nicely
" Yes mama, See ya later." He replays back
Getting back to Ozzie now he looks and come over to me. I made Austin bring my saddle and bridle out before he left so I could introduce the whole process over again. I pulled my Royal blue saddle pad out from under my saddle. I held the saddle pad out so Ozzie could sniff it. Than, I laid it over his back and took it off. Repeated this proses about 10-20 times. Than came the saddle witch was going to be the good part. I sat it up on the ground let him sniff it from the ground. Since oz is ground tired I let the lead line on the ground. "At least he still has some manners" thinking to my self. I put the saddle on very lightly about 20 times. Than, I would take it up a little heavier. Because sometimes I just trough the saddle on top and don't mean to put it up there that hard but hey sometimes it happens. Ozzie even let me put the girth on him and tighten it. So I went for the most hardest part with a horse that has had truma in there life. His bridle, witch we didn't have much trouble as much as I thought we were going to have. Oz put up of a little fight but not much pulling his head back up into the air but nothing major. I started to lung him. He did so very well, unbelievable well on how great he did.

That night at the dinner table my mom decides to bring up the topic of me leaving my family to be the with Patrick. When really all I did was go with Patrick so he could take care of me. Not like I completely moved in with Patrick.
" So, Emily when do you think you are coming home. I hope you do know this is your home."
" Yes Emily, When you coming home?" My dad follows along with my moms question".
" Well Mom and Dad if you haven't noticed I am home for the time being aren't I"? I reply back.
" That is only for a little amount of time. I think I'm speak for your mother and I that we think it is best you stay here for now and not at Patrick's."
" What do you have something against Patrick? If you do say it to us, right here right now. You can't control my life I can be with Patrick for as long as I want to and never have to come back here again." Saying back starting to raise my voice Patrick's hand is on my thigh to try for me to stop getting so mad.
" Well Emily, is you don't want to be here all you have to do is say so." My dad says making his voice even louder.
" Well maybe I'll just leave than." I yell out standing up making Patrick follow along.

Once we got to my room I sit down on my bed so mad it's all most kinda scary. Patrick comes over and sit down next to me, grading ahold of my hand and saying softly " Baby, it's going to be okay. You can get your things and you can bring them to my house " he starts to come in for a kiss. His lips meets my lips, before you know it's a full make out moment. After about 5 minutes things start to slow down. I decide to stand up and start packing.

A/N: Sorry it took me forever to update... I've been at my aunts for the past few weeks and she doesn't have really good wifi, so every time I go to publish this part of the book it doesn't work. So, anywhoooo thank you all for being so patient! I love you all!!!!

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