The Invasion

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The Shane Gang and the Eastern Protectors rode towards Gateway Cavern as fast as possible.

"Attackers from the Gateway? Been a while, since the Goon... you know," Trixie said sheepishly noticing Junjie.

"Yes, indeed," Junjie said dryly.

"What do we even need to worry about? We got Eli Shane, and the protectors of the Eastern Caverns, and the Elementals back, and most importantly, we got the Magnificent Pronto!" Pronto boasted while the slugs in his barrels just wheezed, laughing.

"Yeah right," Kord facepalmed while the rest of the Shane Gang just sighed.

"Junjie! I'm hearing Frostcrawler slugs," Mei informed as slugs transforming could be heard as they neared Gateway Cavern.

"Yes, my dear. I hear that too. But... I never heard a slug like that before," Junjie frowned.

"So, we got another type of new slug?" asked Trixie excitedly.

"Maybe," Junjie said frowning as the group rode into the town area of Gateway Cavern.

"Are those Stone Golems?" asked Eli shocked as he saw the hulking figure from afar.

"No... impossible," Junjie muttered.

"No... they don't look like one," Drucilla said as she looked through her binoculars.

"Wait... is the ground supposed to be... blue?" asked Mei confused.

"No... Wait lookout!" Eli shouted as a slug flew towards them. "Scatter!" The Eastern Protectors and Shane Gang all rode away right as the slug hit the ground near them. Turning the ground pale blue as spikes grew from the ground. Sounds of the residents screaming and running around in fear could be heard as the golem moved towards the group.

"Is that... ice?" asked Kord not believing his eyes.

"Looks like it," said Drucilla looking back at the golem that was advancing towards them. "Uhm... guys? We got company."

"Let's take that thing out then," Eli sighed as Burpy jumped into his wrist blaster.

"Agreed," Junjie said as Joo-Joo did the same thing. Both slugs exchanged glances and nodded as they were in their owner's blaster.

Eli and Junjie both turned to look at each other and nodded, firing their Infurnus at the golem that was now charging towards them. Using Slug-Fu, the two Infurnus surrounded the golem with a ring of fire before the two protectors directed their slugs to fire at the hulking figure.

"Wow," Mei exclaimed.

"Yeah, wow, is right," Trixie chuckled as she held her blaster, looking at Eli and Junjie.

"See, I told y'all, nothing to worry about," Pronto said over casually, shrugging.

"Seems like you haven't lost your touch," Junjie said smirking as they continued to direct their Infurnuses to circle the golem and blast fire at it fiercely.

"Why do you sound so surprised?" Eli sighed chuckling. "Wait... what is going on?" Eli asked confused as he saw a weird glowing light coming from the golem, a light blue aura manifesting around it. It began to glow even brighter and then, a burst of energy sent Burpy and Joo-Joo flying away from it, crashing into the buildings on the side of the street, debris flew from the impact.

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