The Journey to the Northern Caverns

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Trixie turned the screen to show the security footage. And on the screen, it showed a group of Shadow Clans, standing right outside the Hideout.

"Shadow Clan? What are they doing here?" asked Pronto confused.

"You said that you and them didn't part on very good terms, should we be worried about something?" asked Drucilla.

"No, don't worry, I'll go out to talk to them, no one fires at them. Don't anger them," Eli said firmly as he walked towards the doorway with the rest of the group following him behind as he opened the door, walking out to face the group of Shadow Clan.

Eli quickly pulled the Shadow Talker out of his backpack and placed it on his head, and once again, the voices of the Shadow Clan could be heard clearly by him.

'Son of Shane," the Shadow Clan Leader greeted. "The 99 Caverns are in grave danger once more."

"We know, we fought them, whoever they are, in Gateway Caverns," Eli said.

"So it seems like you already do know of the threat," the Shadow Clan's voice boomed in Eli's head.

"Do you know what they are?" asked Eli curiously, hoping that the Shadow Clan have the answer, they usually do.

"Alas, we hoped we did. All we know of this threat... Are just legends, passed down through generations and generations of the Clan," the Shadow Clan said sighingly. "More than a 1000 years ago, there was an invasion from a distant northern cavern, freezing the lands of the 99 Caverns, until the Shane back then made it his mission to push them back, and he succeeded. That is all we know."

"The Shane back then... hmmm" Eli hummed. "How do we defeat them?" asked the Shadow Clan.

"If I may interrupt," Junjie said walking forward. We could push them back through the portal," the Eastern Champion suggested.

"There is no guarantee that it would stop them from coming through at all," the Shadow Clan pointed out.

"The Shadow Clan are right... and there are our people on the other side of the portal, we can't just... shut it down and leave them over there like that," Eli sighed as he turned around, thinking of a plan. Then, an idea struck, he turned towards the group standing behind him.

"Please tell me he is not thinking what I'm thinking," Pronto chuckled nervously as he looked at the Shane then at the rest of them.

"You want to go to the Northern Caverns, don't you?" asked Junjie, knowing that look on Eli all too well.

"What other choice do we have?" asked Eli. "We can't just leave them there," the teen sighed.

"Bro, do you remember the last time we left and what happened?" asked Kord worried, looking at the Shadow Clan. "Are you sure leaving the 99 Caverns alone again is really a good thing?" asked the cave troll nervously.

"Let's not forget the fact that if we all do go through the Gateway, there will be no one left to guard the 99 Caverns," Trixie said, reminding the Shane Gang of the last time that happened, glaring at the Shadow Clan. Some of the Shadow Clan began to hiss upon hearing what the girl has said.

"We should close the portal," the leader said.

"And leave the people there?" asked Eli angrily.

"The slugs are more important!" the Shadow Clan bellowed.

"And both slugs and people are equally important!" Eli argued.

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