The Return

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The last gateway of the caverns remains standing in the dark cavern, the remainder and a reminder of the dark days of the Northern Empire's invasion that the people of the 99 Caverns has almost forgotten. Suddenly, an illuminating light began to shine from the gateway as it begins to turn before stopping as a surge of energy centered in the middle of the circle, forming a portal. Junjie, Mei and Drucilla slowly rode out of the gateway.

"This is the 99 Caverns?" asked Drucilla as she looks around the dark and eerie place as the portal behind them slowly dimmed. Soon, the cavern was dark once again, barely illuminated by the glowing crystals around them.

"Part of it, yes," Junjie said as the Elementals in the barrels chirped excitingly.

"So where to now?" asked Mei curiously, looking around in the dark place before turning to Junjie.

"To the hideout," Junjie said, smiling. "Follow my lead." Junjie, Drucilla and Mei rode off and out of the dark cave, failing to notice that one of the symbols on the circle was glowing slightly as the ground around it slowly turned blue.


It was just another day in the hideout. Pronto and Kord were at their games. Trixie was on her tablet in her room, looking up stuff like usual. Meanwhile, Eli was in his room, spending some time with his slugs. It was just another uneventful day for the Shane Gang. At least it was until Larry, the Lariat, who was just strolling around, noticing something on the security screen.

"Oh, I'm gonna kick your ass so bad at this game," Kord chuckled, pressing the controls wildly.

"Ahha, we shall see," Pronto said triumphantly, failing to notice the Lariat slug, trying to get their attention, no matter how loud it chirped and jumped, Larry even got into front of the screen, Kord and Pronto still didn't notice it at all, as they were too engrossed in their game. Now frowning, the slug decided to do something to get the two's attention.

Trixie was looking up news when he heard loud sounds of Pronto complaining, sighing, she got up and walked out of her room. "What is with all this racket?" asked Trixie loudly as she came out, looking downstairs, she saw what happened already, Pronto's face was covered in goo while Kord was laughing his head off. Trixie sighed. "Typical Pronto to piss off a slug." Then she saw the Lariat slug, jumping up and down in front of the screen, deciding to walk downstairs to check out.

"Hey, Larry? What is it?" asked Trixie curiously as she approached the slug. The slug looked at her, smiling in relieve. It motioned for her to follow before jumping off the table and towards the surveillance room.

"So what is this about?" asked Trixie kindly. If the slug was that desperate, it got to be something important, right? Trixie watched as the slug hopped up the chair then the table, pointing towards the security screens. Trixie takes a look and immediately understood the slug's actions. "Thanks Larry, I will tell the others," Trixie thanked the slug, which chirped in response, before she rushed off.

"Wow, so this is where you stayed when you were here?' asked Mei curiously, looking around. "Doesn't looks as beautiful as Peach Blossom Spring," Mei commented.

"Of course it doesn't, but it is beautiful in it's own way," Junjie chuckled as they rode closer towards the Hideout. The Elemental slugs were chirping happily as usual, jumping up and down in Junjie's slugs barrel, presumably excited to see Doc again. Burpy chirped and waved his limbs upon seeing Junjie's Infurnus, Joo-Joo, who waved back and returned the gesture as well.

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