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It was just another usual day for the residents in Quisingly Cavern, but unbeknownst to them, the day was about to get a lot more unusual as the Shane Gang were spying down from above a building. Eli and Pronto were looking around at the streets below while Trixie and Kord were looking through binoculars, looking around for their target.

"Any sight of anyone?" asked Eli as the slug on his shoulder tried to keep an eye out for their targets.

"Not yet," Kord answered in a tired voice as he continued looking.

"Keep looking," Eli said. "Dana said that they are going to make their move today."

"I would like to add that we have been here for like... the past 5 hours, and we had seen nothing," Pronto added sarcastically as his Flatulorhinkus, Stinky yawned tiredly.

"I don't know Eli. As much as we trust Dana, perhaps she got her intel wrong?" Trixie wondered.

"I doubt it. The information she has provided us about these series of the Raleways heists were quite accurate," Eli answered. "If she says that there is going to be a robbery today, I trust her that there will be," Eli said firmly.

"Well then they are really taking his time with this one," Trixie sighed.

"Wait, is that who I think he is?" Kord asked as he pointed towards an orange-yellowish attired man wearing a red hood that obscured his face, walking towards a building while looking around.

"Let me see," Eli said as he looked through the binoculars. "It's Biff Raleway," Eli confirmed.

"If Biff is here, there is no mistake, the other Raleway Brothers should be nearb-" Kord said before being interrupted by a loud bang as an explosion occurred inside the building, blowing the door across the street, causing the people on the street to panic and run. The Shane Gang saw 6 men holding bags presumably full of gold coins ride out of the bank on their horse mecha beasts.

"Yep, there are here," Trixie confirmed.

"Shane Gang let's move out," Eli said.

The four of them quickly got on their mecha beast and rode off the roof. Their mecha beast switched into glider mode as they flew down behind the Raleway Brothers before swiftly switching back into their mecha beast mode as they chased after them. The townsfolk on the street ran out of their way in panic and fear as the showdown between the Shane Gang and the new uprising group of thieves, the Raleway Brothers ensured.

"Boss," Enuff Raleway called out to the man who had blue-green hair, and a Dirt Urchin slug sitting on his shoulder. "We have company."

"I am aware of that, get them off our tail!" the man said.

"Got it, boss," Raff said as he fired a Hop Rock at Eli.

Eli saw the slug coming and fired a Frostcrawler with his wrist blaster, freezing the Hop Rock mid-air before it exploded, causing more damage. Eli then fired Larry, his Lariat slug at Raff using Slug Fu to dodge the Bubbaleone slug that flew towards it, shooting a string of slimy rope at them.

"We have room, now!" their leader commanded as they rode out the streets and out of town. The Raleway Brothers mecha beast swiftly turned into their bike modes and quickly gained some distance away from the Shane Gang.

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