Cold Arrival

122 7 13

1000 years ago

The caverns were covered in snow, cold wind blew through the quiet cave, a glimmering light shone from the cave as troops marched towards the cave. A fine woman, with long grey hair, wearing long blue robes walked down the huge Mecha Beast, stepping into the thick snow. She looked fairly young, with a faint blue in her eyes and a sharp chin. She walked forward and the people before her immediately kneel before her.

"Your majesty!" they quickly said, bowing.

The woman nodded coldly. "So... the news is true," she said as she slowly walked towards what used to be a gateway, now the bottom half just remained, shining faintly.

"Indeed, your Majesty," the man beside her said.

"Who is the person that is supposed to be in charge of protecting this last gateway!?" the woman shouted in anger, with rage that made the people around her tremble.

"My queen, it is I," another man came forward. He was scared.

"Do you have any idea what you did General?" asked the woman, a stern cold look on her face.

"I- I am sorry..." the man stuttered as he knelt before the woman.

"This was the last gateway to the other caverns... I have entrusted you to keep it safe, out of the hands of the rebels! And now! We are stuck here, unable to expand the mighty Northern Empire... Cut off from the rest of the caverns!" the woman bellowed, making the man twitch as he looked at the floor.

"Please... my queen... I will find those rebels... and kill them for you...please... I have a family..." the man pleaded.

The lady just looked at the man coldly, grabbing him by his throat as her hand began to glow. "An example must be set... to what happens to those... who don't deliver more than once... multiple failures... are not acceptable..." The woman growled as her eyes glowed blue.

"No... please... I-" The skin of the man began to wrinkle as if life was being sucked away from him. Then, there was a soft thud as the woman let go of him, letting the corpse fall to the ground.

The Ice Queen scoffed as she looked at the body was her body glowed blue. "Weak." She looked around, knowing that the rebels couldn't have gotten far. "Now... Find them!" the Ice Queen shouted and the soldiers around her quickly got to work.

Unknown to them, someone was watching from the darkness of a small hole in the walls of the caverns, spying on them, a man, who quickly crawled back into the darkness.


"Lena," the man said as he ran through the forests, towards a group of people.

"What is it?" asked the woman as she turned and looked at the man.

"We... succeeded," the man said pantingly.

Lena paused, looking at her daughter in her hand. "Perhaps... for the best," the woman sighed. "Let's continue, towards the Hidden Cavern."

Present Day


The blinding flash of light finally died down, as Eli rode out of the light. In front of him was a group of people, with a man standing right in front, their leader presumably.

"Are we here?" asked Trixie as she rode out of the portal with Mei and Junjie behind her.

"W- we are," Junjie said as he looked around.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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