Coming Home

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It's been around a month since the gang and I left. Since I left Camila. It hasn't gotten any easier.

Something is definitely wrong with Lucy. Like the vibe has just been off with her lately. She's always so bubbly and flirty, but once she sees me on my phone or Facetiming Camila, her whole persona changes and she goes silent. I don't get it.

Is there a chance that she likes me?

No, there can't be. Lucy and I are just friends. I have never felt anything for her, so she can't feel anything for me.


It doesn't matter anyway, Camila is my priority. Sometimes, the lines between relationship and duty blur together.

It's... strange.

I feel like sometimes she knows who I am and that she's just waiting for me to fess up and drag myself and my friends under the bus. But there are other times where she seems like the oblivious girlfriend.

One thing is definitely clear with her, she doesn't want to have sex yet.

And trust me, I will most definitely respect someones wishes not to fuck, because, well, I know how it feels to be taken advantage of.

"Sup dude, how's the girlfriend going?" Normani says with a smirk, nudging my shoulder.

"God, stop." I push her off of me. "She's... she's not my girlfriend. I told you what I'm going to do to her, so this is all just part of the plan.

Normani gives me a skeptical look. "Mhm." is all she says before she leaves the back room, leaving me in silence once again.
Speaking of the cop, right then and there her stunning face pops up onto my phone screen.

"We're doing everything we can to catch this group, trust me." Damn she looks beautiful. She looks angry. I chuckle because I know that it's because of me that she's angry.

"Are you sure you're doing everything you can, sweetheart?" I whisper to myself with a smile on my face.


This is it. Time to finally go back. It's been, shit, like almost two months. Camila has kind of brushed me off. For no reason! She hasn't been as clingy as she usually is. It's weird. Like, she's being short with me. I don't know what I did honestly.

I never text first. But God, I've been texting first. I know, I know, it goes against my morals, but I just... I don't know. This doesn't feel right.

"Guess what guys?" I hear Zayn yell from the driver's seat.

"What's up, bro?" I respond.

"We're back in town, baby!" I hear hoots and hollers erupt around me.

I really don't know what I would do without these people. I don't know where I'd be. Dead in a ditch? Maybe. Alone in a big city with nowhere to call home? Potentially. But thankfully, that is not my reality. This, right here, this moment in time, is my reality. Sometimes I forget that this is real. Like I'm actually here, sitting in an RV with a band of misfits that I am proud to call my best and closest friends. My family. 


I’m making Zayn drop me off at Camila’s house to surprise her. She doesn’t know that I’m back, but hopefully this bouquet of sunflowers will be a good enough apology for not telling her.

But I’m not in love I promise, guys. It’s just all part of the plan.

I step out of the RV a few blocks away so that, just in case, she doesn’t recognize the stolen vehicle. It’s so… peaceful. It’s now autumn, and it’s my favorite time of the year. The leaves change, it becomes colder, and it’s just a better vibe all around.

Also, halloween. Halloween is definitely in my top 3 for my favorite times of the year. I’ve legit seen kids dressed up as us, like the gang, with the masks and my bandana in all its glory.  It’s awesome.


I knock on her door with a smile and stand there for a hot second. More than a hot second. It’s been like thirty seconds. She never takes this long to answer the door, I’m so confused. I can’t hear any movement, but her car is here.

I knock again, a little louder this time. I hear this loud boom and loud footsteps running through the house.

“One second!” I hear her yell. God, her voice. I missed her voice in person. It hits differently in person. I don’t know how to explain it.

Suddenly the door is flung open, and here she is in all her glory. She’s breathing heavy, hands on her hips. When she makes eye contact with me, her face lights up and it’s like her smile is beaming at me.

“Oh my god! Baby you’re here!” Before I could even respond she jumped into my arms.

I spin her around a few times, taking in the sound of her laugh. Like I said, even though we would call each other, her voice hits differently in person. Like I guess it’s a comfort thing. Knowing that she’s actually here, with me.

Now, y’all, I already know what you’re going to do. Don’t run to the comments saying I’m in love. Because I’m not! I promise. This is all part of the plan.

I place her gently on the ground and immediately she cups my face.

“I haven’t seen you in person in so long. God you’re actually back?” She tells me with the softest look in her eyes.

“I’m actually back, baby.” I respond, “and hopefully I’m not going anywhere for a long time.”

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